One Year Ago : Global Warming Causes The Early Spring

ScreenHunter_304 Mar. 04 09.59

Plants are greening up and blooming earlier, insects are emerging sooner and birds’ migration patterns are shifting. But is it climate change?

there is evidence the advancement of spring owes more to generally warmer temperatures — the hallmark of global warming


And one year later ……

ScreenHunter_303 Mar. 04 09.57

HAMweather Climate Center – Record Events for The Past Week – Continental US View

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to One Year Ago : Global Warming Causes The Early Spring

  1. Brian G Valentine says:

    Only “deniers” call climate “weather.”

    No … Wait – they call “weather” the “climate”

    Shit I can’t remember but whatever they do it’ is WRONG

    • miked1947 says:

      What climatologists are pushing as “Climate” is Long term weather patterns!
      Climate is the Study of Weather, or it can be expected weather patterns for a specific region. Climate is defined by weather so it can not controll weather.

      • Brian G Valentine says:

        Thanks. Now I can speak knowledgeably to stupid “deniers” and their dumbass “heartland” and “exxon” talking points

      • miked1947 says:

        Exxon and other Energy providers are major funders of the Chicken Little Brigade! They spend a little bit on real science, however they spend the most where they can reap the greatest reward by making people believe in what the CLB regurgitates about dangers to the environment.
        You have been “Spewing” Knowledgeably to the Deniers of real science for as long as we have been commenting on the same web sites.

    • Latitude says:

      yep….too funny

      90 years ago….was only 70 years after the very bottom of the Little Ice Age

      What about the Future??…I certainly hope we never go back to another LIA

  2. Andy DC says:

    What about all those suffering California surfers and golfers with that unspeakable record heat?

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