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I found that episode quite telling, really, when I watched it. Skip to 25:46, where they admitted they didn’t really have any evidence to dispute global warming.
“Why don’t Penn and Teller… just say global warming is bullshit? We’d love to, but we have a confession. … We just don’t know. … There’s evidence the planet is getting warmer … but we don’t know if we’re causing it, and even if we did, cutting back on our quality of life is not the answer… Heck, we’re not even sure of that.”
But they are correct that reducing quality of life- Especially for the poor and elderly- is NOT the way to go about things.
Wow, you are world class dense.
Gold medal material. Gina suffers from the worst kind of ignorance, that which is willfully induced.
You are putting the cart before the horse. Science is not about disproving radical new theories, it is about proving radical new theories. In other words, just because I proclaim that all Asteroids are made of Camembert cheese, there is nothing scientifically you have to do to DISPROVE that. I have to PROVE it.
Science 101.
They don’t have the evidence? The entire premise of AGW is based on models that predict as CO2 rises the temperature steadily increases. That hasn’t happened. The models failed, every doom and gloom prediction made by the corrupt climate fanatics have failed to come to pass.
The entire basis for AGW has been proven false.
Not to mention these clowns have been saying the exact same thing for forty years now. Every year we get the same “We only have a few years left to do something!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Their “something” always turns out to be taking more money from the middle class and exerting more control over our lives.
You hang in there girl. Logic offend the ideologues, but it will always be the last one standing.
Liberalism sure is a mental disorder. Please seek mental help.
Yes Gina, be sure to listen to TOO, as he is a serial liar and right in you wheelhouse.
Logic offend the ideologues
Ha ha ha ha!
There is TRUTH to your statement….But your Logic is misplaced.
Actually, he seems the only one offended. I guess his statement was merely navel gazing.
Gina says:
March 27, 2013 at 8:20 am
I found that episode quite telling, really, when I watched it. Skip to 25:46, where they admitted they didn’t really have any evidence to dispute global warming.
Do you understand why?
Basic scientific formula;
hypothesis/conjecture + observation/experimentation = theory/confirmation.
How do you falsify conjecture? You either personallyaccept, or are skeptical of that conjecture.
Mr Karl Popper, claimed that a scientific theory must be one that is set up for falsification, that it can risk observation.
The hypothesis of CAGW has never been exposed to the risk of falsification.
Surely those people suffering from ‘eco anxiety’ was a wind up?
Gina. The earth was getting warmer. Now it’s not – and hasn’t for about the last 17 years.
OT: As I had predicted it, the so-called “severe drought” of the plains … well, not so much…
There is a lot of logic being thrown around out there, like the coldest March in decades for both the US and Western Europe. But the alarmist crowd choses denial instead.
Too bad everyone cannot be a libertarian, and have the freedom to think for themselves.
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OMG, Gina suffers from ‘eco anxiety’. Take the cure girl, go outside and freeze your butt off.