Police Desensitivity Training Pays Off!

No Hesitation!

ST. PETERSBURG — Police shot and killed a man Sunday evening they say was suicidal and threatening two officers with a pair of scissors.  The man, identified by police as Arthur Dixon, 43, of 5411 Fourth Ave. N was shot in the upper torso. He was transported as a trauma alert patient to Bayfront Medical Center, where he later died.

St. Petersburg police shoot man they say threatened with scissors | Tampa Bay Times

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Police Desensitivity Training Pays Off!

  1. leftinbrooklyn says:

    A few blocks from where I grew up.

  2. terrence says:

    They could have thrown some blankets over him, covering and rendering the SCISSORS harmless .

    But, the poor dear, frightened, scared sh*tless, police ossifers were too afraid to think clearly, so they murdered the man – the completely INNOCENT man.

  3. Studiodad says:

    No hesitation.

  4. Chewer says:

    He was heading into the Chamber of Commerce and the good ole boys knew his conservative values rendered him a serious threat:)

  5. B.C. says:

    About that taser idea… The guy had already poured gasoline over himself and threatened to torch himself with the lighter he was holding in his hand earlier in the standoff. The guy was a felon with multiple convictions and had just recently been released from prison. This was plain and simply a case of “suicide by cop”. That being said, if they ever try to come for my guns, they had better bring plenty of body bags for the crew attempting the seizure. 😉

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