Same Story : Twenty Years Later

Check out this global warming story from 1993. Same scum stealing taxpayer money decade after decade.

September 14, 1993

AS the Clinton Administration prepares to announce in the next few weeks a plan for controlling waste industrial gases that trap heat in the atmosphere, conservatives and industry groups have mounted a renewed assault on the idea that global warming is a serious and possibly catastrophic threat.

In a drum roll of criticism over the last few months they have characterized the thesis of global warming as a “flash in the pan,” “hysteria,” “scare talk” and a ploy by socialists to justify controls on the economy.

The rhetoric is the mirror image of some that was heard five years ago, at the height of the 1988 North American heat wave, when some environmentalists and politicians warned of climatic apocalypse on the basis of assertions by a minority of scientists that global warming was already under way.

The evidence that warming or harm from warming will occur in the foreseeable future is “ludicrously small,” argues a 1993 book published by the Cato Institute, a free-market research organization in Washington. Reining in global warming “will require a degree of bureaucratic control over economic affairs previously unknown in the West,” wrote Ben W. Bolch and Robert D. McCallum, professors of economics and chemistry at Rhodes College in Memphis, in the book, “Apocalypse Not: Science, Economics and Environmentalism.”

Scientists Confront Renewed Backlash on Global Warming – New York Times

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Same Story : Twenty Years Later

  1. Jambon-X says:

    “…controlling waste industrial gases that trap heat in the atmosphere…”

    Complete bullshit, but it still gets repeated twenty years later.

    This is the true version:

    “Does the atmosphere trap radiation?

    No, the atmosphere absorbs radiation emitted by the Earth. But, upon being absorbed, the radiation has ceased to exist by having been transformed into the kinetic and potential energy of the molecules. The atmosphere cannot be said to have succeeded in trapping something that has ceased to exist.

    Does the atmosphere reradiate?

    One often hears the claim that the atmosphere absorbs radiation emitted by the Earth (correct) and then reradiates it back to Earth (false). The atmosphere radiates because it has a finite temperature, not because it received radiation. When the atmosphere emits radiation, it is not the same radiation (which ceased to exist upon being absorbed) as it received. The radiation absorbed and that emitted do not even have the same spectrum and certainly are not made up of the same photons. The term reradiate is a nonsense term which should never be used to explain anything.

    Sometimes diagrams are drawn which show the radiation from the Earth’s surface rising into the sky and being reflected off of the atmosphere (or clouds, or greenhouse gases). This too is nonsense. The radiation was not reflected, it was absorbed and different radiation was subsequently emitted.

    Does the atmosphere trap heat (in producing the greenhouse effect)?

    Alas no. As rapidly as the atmosphere absorbs energy it loses it. Nothing is trapped. If energy were being trapped, i.e. retained, then the temperature would of necessity be steadily rising. Rather, on average, the temperature is constant and the energy courses through the system without being trapped within it.”

    – Alistair Fraser, “Bad Greenhouse”

  2. gator69 says:

    Leftists love failed theories. How else could communism still be with us, after failing mankind since the dawn of man?

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