Sky Is Lit Up Again In Fort Collins

Three days ago this had six inches of snow.

ScreenHunter_214 Mar. 15 22.00

Galena Fire scorches Lory State Park, billows smoke over Fort Collins

Here is what it looked like on Sunday.

ScreenHunter_32 Mar. 09 12.05

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Sky Is Lit Up Again In Fort Collins

  1. kbray in california says:

    This has to be intentionally set.
    They do that where I live.
    A lot.

  2. Andy Oz says:

    In Australia, only 6% of bushfires are caused by nature. The rest are caused by people mostly intentionally or by “accident”. And we have politicians blaming Australian bushfires on Global Warming. Our pollies are not the sharpest tools in the shed. Just look at Juliar.

  3. Martin says:

    Lots of global warming in Hungary! Perhaps inspired by the Hungarians Obama wants all those homeland security vehicles to clear the roads of snow .

  4. gofer says:

    Fox News ran a blurb blaming it on continuing drought and a dry winter.

  5. B.C. says:

    It’s truly amazing how quickly a Chinook can dry out the fine fuels that carry a fire. Think of it like taking a blow dryer to a handful of wet, freeze-dried grass… in no time, you’ve got a flammable mass just waiting for a spark. Let’s just hope that anyone who may be in the path of the fire(s) has done the smart thing and fire-proofed their homes. (Made defensible space, cleared flammable objects/brush away from their homes and sealed up their soffits and crawlspaces.)

    • I rode my bike up there this morning. It was mainly a grass fire and no houses are threatened. I am freezing my ass off at a soccer game in Colorado Springs now.

      Sent from my Virgin Mobile Android-Powered Device

      • B.C. says:

        That’s great that no houses are threatened. The area will look incredibly lush after the Spring flush comes around and the flora gets to take advantage of the recycled nutrients. (It’s funny how the Leftists/GreenTards conveniently omit the fact that wildfires are Mother Gaia’s most efficient way of recycling nutrients that are locked up in dead plant matter.)

        Hope you don’t have to have an assendectomy after the soccer match. (It IS kind of an awkward situation having to ask a fellow soccer dad/mom to rub one’s bum to prevent frostbite.) 😀

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