So Who Was Adam Lanza Working For?

ScreenHunter_199 Mar. 29 15.41

‘Underwear bomber’ was working for the CIA | World news | The Guardian

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to So Who Was Adam Lanza Working For?

  1. John says:

    Not surprising…

  2. phodges says:

    alas, “The American” featured in so many youtube videos, often along side his buddy, “The Chechen”…

    ‘Phoenix jihadist’s’ dad claims son worked for the CIA

  3. David, UK says:

    I can see Stephen Lewotsit foaming at the mouth now, as he scrambles to write his next paper on nutty sceptical conspiracy theorists.

  4. Raindog says:

    There is a Lawyer and his Lawyer wife that were witness to the underwear bomber. You should look them up as they have a great story about what they saw.

  5. I’m waiting for the day when a CIA or FBI employee tries to smuggle a bomb on board a plane in a body cavity. Then every American can get the benefit of a colon cancer screening every time we board an airplane.

  6. bubbagyro says:

    Was he undercover? Very under cover…

  7. bubbagyro says:

    Can he be called The Unasphyncter?

  8. bubbagyro says:

    You have to admit, though, he had balls,,,

    OK, enough,

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