That Is Called Weather, Stupid

ScreenHunter_182 Mar. 04 17.06

We have always had bad weather, like in 1931. Only simple-minded morons try to blame the weather on somebody else.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to That Is Called Weather, Stupid

  1. gator69 says:

    The ‘Center for American Progress’ is George Soros’ pet project, and the ‘Stimson Center’ is partly funded by him as well.

    Funny how the alarmists go all Koch Brothers Tourettes on us, as they cash their CAP paychecks.

  2. Andy Oz says:

    The Australian Bureau of Meteorology have spent the last month posting a plethora of these “Extreme” reports. Maybe they’re worried about the upcoming election??

    Of course it’s never happened before in Australia. Well….not if you don’t look.

  3. Andy Oz says:

    This is what you guys have to look forward to this Ice Free northern summer!
    Record heat kills someone every 30 minutes in Chicago.

    And in late breaking news, Adelaide reached 180 degrees F in Australia January 18, 1882.

    The Australian B.O.M. is in a tizz over 121 deg F for one summer day in the outback.
    It’s weather. They really should get out more rather than play with their computer graphics.

    • Rosco says:

      That was measured in the sun – which is the reason BOM uses for their outrageous data tampering.

      A spokeperson for BOM was interviewed about their past temperature tampering and said that they couldn’t trust past records to be recorded properly – many were recorded in full sun apparently – so they decided to reduce all of them as they could not determine which may be accurate – if any.

      Fraud I say.

      • Ben says:

        In the article, the shade temps are posted side by side with the sun temperatures.

      • gator69 says:

        It is most definitely fraud, and a gross insult to all the scientists who painstakingly gathered all that data. I trust the old data far more, as it was collected by men without an agenda.

      • Andy Oz says:

        It sure was measured in the sun. I just love how the BOM are frothing over a heat wave, and a few high summer temperatures in the desert. In the past it was news but not end of the world. I’ve worked with the blast crews in the bottom of the pit at various Pilbara iron ore mines in summer when it was regularly over 60 degrees Celsius! That was hot.

        The BOM used to be a place of excellence and impeccable ethics, but since they have tampered with past temperature data in recent years, they have joined the charlatans.

  4. Dave N says:

    Climate affects stuff like food production (and consequently prices).. who woulda thunk it?

  5. Chewer says:

    He and his ilk truly believe that they are helping their cause with these types of reports…
    It says a lot about how they feel about you & I. We must certainly have IQ’s of 30 and are incapable of the spectacular thinking they possess.
    it must be very special to belong to such an elite group with such great minds!

  6. Rosco says:

    I’ve never understood the support for the “Arab Spring”.

    How is handing over every country in northern Africa and the middle east except Israel to government run by and dedicated to Islamic teachings in anybody’s interests except the new religious dictators ???

    The US embassy saw a taste of the future, Egyptians that overthrew Mubarak are sorely disappointed and as the muslim regime is only in its infancy they can expect worse to come, the horror in Syria is not going to end well with blame equally shared.

    Why is the US now supporting regimes, basically states that will become fundamentally Islamic and not free democracies, which have no concept of the fundamentals the US espouses ?? I simply don’t get it.

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