The Anti-Science White House

James Hansen is the world’s greatest climatologist, and he says that Keystone means “game over” for the climate.

Unfortunately, the anti-science White House has disregarded his expert opinion :

Keystone XL pipeline would have little impact on climate change, State Department analysis says

Keystone XL pipeline would have little impact on climate change, State Department analysis says – The Washington Post

Ignoring an unimpeachable source like James Hansen is surely an impeachable offense for Obama. If Keystone goes through, future generations will have to live without a climate.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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20 Responses to The Anti-Science White House

  1. I just opined that Obamandias would say he can’t do Keystone because…#Sequester.
    Wagers anyone?

  2. Michael says:

    It’s time for Hansen to bring his protest overseas. China would be a great place to start. China is the largest coal producer in the world and the biggest coal mine in Inner Mongolia and is the biggest perceived threat to his fantasy of run away global warming.

    Let’s sign a petition to get Hansen to protest there:

    We could even call ahead and inform the local police that he was coming and to be gentle with him. Time in the gulags would be no bother to a man like this, after all he would know that he was saving the world for the children and the grandchildren. We can only dream.

    • Me says:

      The problem is, they will probably welcome him over there, just like Maurice.

      • I. Lou Minotti says:

        First, he would need a $1,000,000.00 check from a benefactor like Tongsun Park (you know, for a “retirement fund”).

      • Me says:

        😆 probably pocket change fer someone err multiple people that will sponsor him with the cause…. With any hope they’ll do it. 😆

      • Michael says:

        True enough. It’s hard to know who would be the bigger idol for the Chinese.
        Strong, Gore or Hansen.

    • Brian G Valentine says:

      Or Russia. Let them lock him up like they do all the psychopathic vagrants.

      They love to pick “protesters” up off the streets and put them in psych wards “for their own good”

  3. Fred from Canuckistan . . . says:

    The experts have never, ever, ever been wrong.

    Especially the Climatologists.

    Fire. Them. All.

  4. Harold Ambler says:

    I call out Hansen on his OUTRAGEOUS exaggeration about the pipeline in this video:

  5. Eric Simpson says:

    If Keystone goes through, future generations will have to live without a climate.
    No no no. But we can be sure of one thing, if the pipeline is built, the climate will change. The horror!

  6. Brian G Valentine says:

    By the way, I think State Dept has set this thing up for failure in the courts. They have probably already tipped greenies how to petition this thing and get a restraining order. I very strongly suspect duplicity.

    • Me says:

      It’s probably like what you said, with how they can create an environmental disaster and that will be the cradle to the grave result for the owners of the pipeline when is’t not their fault but the eco warriors for createing it. But the end result will be the cradle to the grave owners ot it. Mark Me Words on it!

      • Brian G Valentine says:

        If I were Canadian gov’t I would just say f u to the whole thing. They probably already have their “last straw” mapped out.

      • Me says:

        That may just happen, but I wouldn’t count on it since Harper said he would follow whatever the US would do, So you wonder why I am the way I am, it is because we have just as many morons here too believing the CO2 crap! The thing is it will hit us in the pocket book allot faster than it does you down there. Then you wait for it, the whining and crying you’ll hear from up here, if you even look this way? Just saying!

  7. gator69 says:

    More evidence that John Kerry is a banbling idiot, and unfit for his post.

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