The Best Investment Under Obama

In 2010, Federal 0.22 LR ammo was $18 for 500 rounds.

December 03, 2010

the Federal blue box ($18/500). Let’s face it, 22 ammo is cheap

Decent Inexpensive .22 LR Ammo for Small Game

It now costs ($21/50) more than ten times the 2010 price.

ScreenHunter_45 Mar. 31 06.50

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Obama’s cabinet has purchased enough domestic use ammo to shoot everyone in America five times, and that seems to have people concerned – for some reason.

The press won’t talk about this, because they have no self-respect or sense of self-preservation-  and they don’t want to offend their messiah.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to The Best Investment Under Obama

  1. kirkmyers says:

    Obama and his henchmen are turning the Department of Homeland Security into a domestic police force. Hence the huge ammunition purchases. The agency is quickly morphing into America’s version of Germany’s 1930s Brownshirts. Make no mistake, these armed jackboots will be deployed across the country to shut down dissent by American citizens who speak out against the criminal, confiscatory policies of the federal government and take up arms to defend the Second Amendment and U.S. Constitution. Fascism has come to America.

  2. kirkmyers says:

    Here is another story on the price increases.

    The 5.56mm was selling for $0.50 a round in mid-December. Today it sells for $1.00/round; a 100 percent increase in price.

    Mr. Hyatt also said that 50 rounds of 9mm were selling for $10.99 – but, they’re now priced at $24.00 per box. This represents an increase of 118 percent.

  3. kbray in california says:

    This is another form of destructive “quantitative easing”.
    They are easing the quantity of bullets, and pumping more dollars into the price.

    This government is nuts and out of control.

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