The Guardian’s Business Of Trashing America

Yoko Ono uses photo of John Lennon’s bloodied glasses in plea for gun control

Artist tweets picture of glasses worn by singer when he was shot dead in 1980, and says US has become like ‘war zone’

Yoko Ono uses photo of John Lennon’s bloodied glasses in plea for gun control | Culture |

Complete bullshit. Obama’s hometown is a war zone, but the vast majority of the US is among the safest places on earth. Unless you live in an inner city plagued by gangs, violent crime rates in the US are very low, and much lower than they were 50 years ago.

The violent crime in the UK is eight times higher than in the US. The UK press is determined to reduce America to their very low standards.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to The Guardian’s Business Of Trashing America

  1. leftinbrooklyn says:

    Wonder how it might have turned out if John or Yoko believed in concealed carry. Wonder if it would have occurred at all.

  2. kirkmyers says:

    There is no such thing as “gun violence.” There is only people violence. Guns are inanimate objects. Do we blame the car when a drunk driver runs over a pedestrian or a motorist speeds through a red light, triggering a four-car pile-up? Of course not. Blaming the car would be ludicrous. But the same “leaders” who understand this continue to blame a metal object when someone is shot or murdered by a gun-toting criminal.

    The anti-gun crowd in this country is truly clueless. They pose not only a danger to themselves, but also to their fellow countrymen. When the bovine excrement hits the fan, it will be the millions of law-abiding gun owners who save this nation from itself.

  3. gator69 says:

    Chapman purchased his gun legally in Hawaii. He had no criminal record and no mental history, so he was issued a permit. Hawaii gun regulations were and are among the strictest in the nation. The gun was a revolver.

  4. phodges says:

    How sad.

    Yoko now on the side of the very Tyrants John opposed.

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