The Real Hockey Stick

Due to a complete lack of any actual warming, NCDC finds it necessary to cheat with US temperatures more and more every year.

ScreenHunter_138 Mar. 11 23.22


There has been no warming in US February Temperatures for at least 90 years.


ScreenHunter_139 Mar. 11 23.41

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to The Real Hockey Stick

  1. I. Lou Minotti says:

    Ten ways feminists/scientists/meteorologists from Penn State can lose their funding:
    This video is perfect for the latest asshole in your life. It just seems to fit everything stupid that comes from “academia,” or the last person you’ve talked to at Ancora. From Doug Giles.

  2. Larry Geiger says:

    That first chart says it all. Adjustments are always up. Hmmmmmmmmm!

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