They Will Need Goebbels Help Now

The global warming scamsters have chosen to crank up the unprecedented warming BS, just as the US and Europe get slammed with wave after wave of record springtime cold.

ScreenHunter_140 Mar. 12 02.23 ScreenHunter_141 Mar. 12 02.24

Short-Term Climate Outlooks

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to They Will Need Goebbels Help Now

  1. ericsimpson says:

    And this was just after the US and Europe get slammed with wave after wave of record wintertime cold. Yes, I know, how stupid of me, the heat is what’s causing this coldness. Brrr!!

  2. aber says:

    The role of Hitler, Goebblels, Göring and consorts in climate change mattters is -unfortunately- still not established!!!
    A late winter is not unusual. But in mid February 1940 Europe reached record cold, which (see here: ), one guy commended on the 15 February 1940 as follows (Reported by The New York Times, Feb.16.), an extract from :
    ___”It is an irony that the deputy of Adolf Hitler, Field Marshal Herman Göring, saw this differently, when he said in a speech in mid February 1940:
    • “Nature is still more powerful than man. I can fight man but I cannot fight nature when I lack the means to carry out such a battle. We did not ask for ice, snow and cold – a higher power sent it to us” and
    • “These troubles, naturally, take precedence over yours. They are not a German patent – look at the nations around that have the same difficulties.”
    H. Göring, the chief of the aviation, air force, and weather services was mistaken. The winter severity was-man made, not necessarily alone, but the war contributed substantially to the harsh conditions. Without naval war during the autumn of 1939 the subsequent winter would not have turned out as cold as in the severest winters during the Little Ice Age. After record conditions in January 1940 (see TM4, next page), many locations in Europe faced extreme temperatures in February again, reported by New York Times (NYT, Feb. 14-16), for example: Copenhagen –25°F/-32°C, Baltic countries –54°F/-48°C, Budapest –28°F/–33°C, and the NYT titled a report on February 21st: “Scandinavia is colder. Sweden suffers 32° below zero, worst since 1805”. In northern Germany several all-time cold records were registered, e.g. in Hamburg –29.1°C/-21°F on February 13th. “”
    Heavens! This guy was not only a war criminal, but also co-responsible for the most sincere climatic shift since the medieval period. After three extreme war winters on Europe (1940, 1941, 1942), global temperature decrease for three decades, AND science is still not able to identify Hitler and his consorts as the main culprit for this event.
    For access to the book ToC click on “Aber”

  3. gator69 says:

    They have a big enough lie, and they are repeating it often. I just don’t think Goebbels counted on Al Gore’s invention.

  4. tckev says:

    A few weather events over the last month –
    Chernobyl roof partly collapses under heavy snow load On February 13, 2013
    Port Belagua Navarre (Spain) under the snow disappears On February 16, 2013
    10,000 vehicles stuck in Himachal Pradesh snow On February 18, 2013
    Heavy snowfall in China wreaks havoc On February 19, 2013
    Record snowfall strands 20 shepherds in Ladakh, India On February 21, 2013
    Record Snowfall in Japan – On February 22, 2013
    Record Snowfall in Northern Japan – Video On March 2, 2013
    Calcutta – Extended cold befuddles nation On March 3, 2013
    Clearing record snowfall in the Himalayas On March 6, 2013
    Heavy snow in northern Japan claims eight lives On March 6, 2013

  5. Tom Harley says:

    Too late for Goebbels now, FOIA has released Climategate 3

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