Thing Of The Past Strikes Wyoming

A friend just texted me that he is stranded in Laramie, due to a thing of the past.

ScreenHunter_186 Mar. 11 18.08

Laramie Weather Cam

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Thing Of The Past Strikes Wyoming

  1. nigelf says:

    It’s like a zombie, it just keeps coming back again and again all over the world.

  2. Andy DC says:

    That must be the virtual snow they talked about!

  3. slimething says:

    Maybe this is what DHS is arming for:

    I thought it was “patriots” that were the threat…..

  4. Wyguy says:

    Oh yes, the big blizzard of last weekend was much ado about not very much, the surprise snow is now a couple of inches and still coming. It was not forcast!

  5. elcrustace says:

    Same in Northeast France, blizzard last night near the Channel coast, 30cm of snow, wind gust around 100km/h, 60cm of snow in the department of Manche, locally 150cm.

    All time records for March are already beaten, and its still snowing !

    Tomorrow we should get a cold blast, and cold records will be beaten too, around -10°C between Paris and northern departments !

  6. miked1947 says:

    I guess that is a sign that Springtime snow is decreasing! 😉

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