UK Pays A High Price For Listening To NASA Snake Oil Salesman

At some point the hockey team will be held accountable, just not soon enough.

Families should brace for a further £100 rise in their energy bills within the next year, official figures suggest.

The independent economic watchdog said higher energy costs would contribute to the rising cost of living, mostly driven by rising wholesale electricity and gas prices.

It said green taxes and other environmental policies would probably add two per cent to electricity bills and 0.5 per cent to gas bills annually until the year 2020.

Energy companies …. blame some of the rises on the need to invest in new green power.

Yesterday, the head of SSE, one of the six major energy companies, warned that Britain is facing the possibility of black-outs within the next three years because the country needs more electricity generation.

Ian Marchant, the chief executive of gas and electricity firm, suggested the Government has failed to prepare adequately for the closure of many of Britain’s coal plants by 2015.

“The government is significantly underestimating the scale of the capacity crunch facing the UK in the next three years and there is a very real risk of the lights going out as a result,” said Mr Marchant said.

Alistair Buchanan, the head of Ofgem, last month said households must prepare for a sharp rise in energy bills within two years as Britain is likely to come “dangerously” close to power shortages at this time.

Energy bills to rise £100 next winter, official forecasts suggest – Telegraph

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to UK Pays A High Price For Listening To NASA Snake Oil Salesman

  1. mwhite says:

    “SSE boss Ian Marchant warns of risk of “lights going out””

    It won’t cost anything if the lights go out

  2. Kaboom says:

    Nothing would be worth more to end the green nonsense than a couple prolonged blackouts that leave the population wondering who is to blame.

  3. Markon says:

    I wish you were right Boom boom Kaboom. Sadly, the thieving fear mongers will blame it on “right-wing” deniers who prevented the new sustainable sources from being properly exploited. Then they will push to close more coal/gas fired plants and build more useless “sustainable” energy programs that won’t provide the necessary energy. When that fails they will blame citizens for not doing their part to protect the fragile environment (as they freeze to death).

    Seriously, break out the pitchforks for the progressive frauds pushing the attack on Carbon.

  4. Mike says:

    2GW of coal gets shut down tomorrow. (4 -5% capacity banished foever) Demand is at near 50GW at the moment. Something to do with the global warming cold?

    Followed by a number of coal power stations shutting between now and 2015.
    Oh yeah forgot they are going to spend £100m’s converting one or two to burn wood chips from the US.

    Trees will be cut down there, transported, dried, chipped, shipped 3000 miles, railed to power station, where there stands to be an instantaneous combustion of the stored chips some day. You couldn’t make this stuff up, all to appease some unelected dictators in the EU who sent out a diktat.The UK has effectively signed it’s own energy death warrant. Oh yeah the Nuclear power stations are closing too, they have or are starting to exceed their maximum life cycle.

  5. gator69 says:

    The “Mannish Imposition”. 😉

  6. Mike says:

    Lights out warning as SSE cuts its power generation

    The danger of widespread power cuts in Britain mounted today when a leading energy producer warned it will reduce output by more than 15 per cent – enough electricity for 2 million people – over the next year.

  7. Justa Joe says:

    Never was so much suffering caused by so few (Hansen, Jones et al) to so many.

  8. tckev says:

    Maybe they need to put up more windmills.

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