Word To The Wise : Stop Voting For Democrats

Instead of voting for a Democrat with no core values, vote for someone who actually supports the Bill of Rights.

Even Democrats who reliably vote with their leadership, such as Sens. Mark Warner (Va.), Tim Kaine (Va.) and Debbie Stabenow (Mich.), on Wednesday said they were not certain they would support the assault weapons ban. Warner faces reelection in 2014. Kaine, who formerly headed the Democratic National Committee, was on Obama’s short list to be his running mate in 2008.

Vulnerable senators face lose-lose scenario on assault weapon vote – The Hill

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to Word To The Wise : Stop Voting For Democrats

  1. Blade says:

    Growing up I used to be much more party neutral. But we have seen two indisputable things occur …

    * The (D) party has become distilled into the (D)emocratic-Socialist party.

    * The (R) party has become dilluted into the (R)epublicrat party.

    This was accomplished primarily by conservatives being shed from the (D) party into the (R) party and moderates being shed into (I) or No Party.

    There are still some variations because up here in the NorthEast, our (R)’s have always been closer to southern (D)’s however we have scumbags like Rockefellers and Bloombergs who are glaring exceptions to the rule.

    It is still sensible from a Constitutional point of view for people to vote for a (D) like Zell Miller over an (R) like Bloomberg or Giuliani because the country depends upon it. Unfortunately we may never see a return of earlier (D) politicians like Roy Romer, Buddy Roemer and Scoop Jackson to name just a few.

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