Yet Another Hockey Stick Smoking Gun

ScreenHunter_38 Mar. 09 16.11

They claim that the recent rise in temperature is unprecedented, so I overlaid the hockey stick graph on Antarctic ice core data.

You can barely see it on the right side below, but it becomes obvious that recent warming is not only quite ordinary, but also completely contained in the noise of natural variability.

ScreenHunter_48 Mar. 09 18.33 

New Antarctic Ice Core Data

This new hockey stick graph is nothing but misleading political garbage. How did this get through peer review?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Yet Another Hockey Stick Smoking Gun

  1. miked1947 says:

    Simple! They said what the Chicken Little Brigade wanted said! They also used Mikey’s Hockey stick as the right side of theirs and spliced the latest temperature graphs on that. It looks serious but represents about one degree of temperature change over 11,000 years. The error bars would be much larger than the results. it is about equal to random noise!

  2. Bruce of Newcastle says:

    I suspect the new hokey stick (sic) is not measuring temperature. It measures pCO2.

    However I haven’t time nor inclination to prove this. All I can say right now is the Romans and Vikings would be quite surprised how cool it was when they so were busy farming in the UK and Greenland.

  3. omanuel says:

    The climate crisis is explained succinctly at Power to the People

    Details and references for the history of the climate crisis are here:

    With kind regards,
    Oliver K. Manuel
    Former NASA Principal
    Investigator for Apollo

  4. cosmoscon says:

    The only thing ‘unprecedented’ about AGW science is the amount of deception that the ‘scientists’ will undertake.

    They ignore the Vostok Ice Core data and proclaim gradual cooling followed by rapid warming is something new!

  5. gator69 says:

    “How did this get through peer review?”

    The same way Mann got his PhD. The peer of a crook is a crook.

  6. Rich says:

    Should we take solace in events that happened 100,000’s of thousands of years ago when earth had no civilizations. There was more seismic activity then, probably causing more climate changing events as Krakatoa did in the 1880’s.
    Knowing that this has happened before gives no comfort. Yes, the cycles do exist. The last Ice Age had no effect on humanity other than to force migration. The same can be said for risnig ocean levels. But tjese events spell dsaster for modern civilization. If there is any possibility that man’s actions are compressing the time spans, we must err on the side of caution.

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