Monthly Archives: November 2013

CO2 Is The Root Of All Evil

Climate experts tell us that climate change causes war, but in 1941 climate change was caused by war. This is a positive feedback loop which causes some well knowing climate scientists to behave like escalating douche bags – until their … Continue reading

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Third Highly Publicized Shooting In LA This Year

Earlier this year, a former LA cop went on a shooting spree, and LAPD responded by shooting random pickup truck drivers around the city. Meanwhile, approximately one hundred Americans died horrible twisted metal deaths in their cars yesterday. You are far more likely to … Continue reading

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A Century Later, Obama Tells The Government To Plan For Climate Change

It has been over 100 years since Arrhenius promised us  9ºC warming, Siberia becoming the greatest farming country in the world, cotton farming in Iowa, Antarctica becoming like British Columbia …. fig trees in Chicago … And now Obama tells … Continue reading

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More Milestones

In about five minutes, this blog will have logged its twelve millionth page view – and the US will have accumulated another twelve million dollars in debt. There are about fifty million actual taxpayers in the US, and Obama adds debt at … Continue reading

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Understanding Increasing Confidence Levels About Global Warming

There has been no global warming since this article appeared in the Canberra Times almost twenty years ago, other than the rebound in temperatures after the Mt. Pinatubo cooling. The complete failure of the theory over the last 20 years, has … Continue reading

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Post # 20,000

This is my 20,000th blog post on Most major news outlets still can’t find any scientific evidence against catastrophic global warming, yet I find it for free – usually in a matter of a few seconds.

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Record Drought In Major Hurricanes Causes Increased Confidence In Major Hurricanes

The US has gone over eight years without a major hurricane, the longest such period since the Civil War. This has prompted crack US scientists to forecast an increase in the frequency of major hurricanes. Future Hurricanes More Frequent and … Continue reading

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Gelbspan : Global Warming Causes Snow In Los Angeles

By Ross Gelbspan Published: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 When the year began with a 2-foot snowfall in Los Angeles, the cause was global warming. Hurricane Katrina’s real name – The New York Times

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36% Growth In Multi-Year Ice Over 2012

But it is worse than it seems. All of the ice growth has been on the Pacific side, where it will survive the winter and thicken. Can you imagine the sad faces at NSIDC? Index of /pub/tschudi/iceage/gifs

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Most Arctic Sea Ice For A Decade

COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

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