Permanent Drought Brings Three Feet Of Snow To New Mexico Before Thanksgiving

Snowfall Amounts:

  • 38″ base depth

  • 6″ Last 24 Hours

  • 26″ Last 5 Days

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Permanent Drought Brings Three Feet Of Snow To New Mexico Before Thanksgiving

  1. Dave says:

    National Weather Service just on the radio – guy said this storm means nothing and NM winter will be dry and warmer than average. According to his climate models.

  2. Pathway says:

    Thirty seven inches of new snow on Coal Bank Hill north of Durango and 27″ on the Grand Mesa.

  3. Andy DC says:

    The defunct ski industry is off to a great start!

  4. R. de Haan says:

    I’m sick and tired of all the climate BS, not only on the blogs but also on television, the news, the documentaries, the advertisements, the politics, everything.
    I am disgusted by the intellectual level of this scam, the alarmism, the absurd propaganda, the “scientists” posing as bad actors selling their sole and their integrity for a few bucks.
    It’s a disgrace.

    We really have to dump the entire bunch of parasites.

    It won’t be long before the “police state” is a fact and those greens are going to march.

    It’s them or us.

  5. Ben Vorlich says:

    The permanent drought in New Mexico has made it onto French TV again, the situation must be very serious.

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