Daily Archives: January 4, 2014

NASA And NOAA Data Tampering Makes Legitimate Climate Science Impossible

Because NASA and NOAA erase the past, all evaluations of historical climate vs temperature are completely meaningless.

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January 1st Global Sea Ice Area Was The Highest Ever Measured During The Month Of January

January 1st global sea ice area was 17,932,000 kmĀ², which is the highest ever recorded during the month of January. arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/timeseries.global.anom.1979-2008 Climate experts say that unprecedented Mann-made global warming is causing record ice, record cold, record snow, record low tornadoes … Continue reading

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Citizens Against Terminally Stupid Mayors

Bloomberg News says tomorrow’s game may be the coldest ever. Green Bay Cold Threatens to Outfreeze 1967 NFL Ice Bowl Record – Bloomberg Last year they said that global warming had destroyed the climate.

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Climate Scientist Explains Why Naming Mid-Ocean Wind Gusts is Important

Twitter / SteveSGoddard: @TardyGrada @marcimichelle …

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