Daily Archives: January 12, 2014

1937 : Antarctic Ice Receding – New Zealand Expected To Be Ice-Free In 2,500 years

Papers Past — Evening Post — 2 February 1937 — ANTARCTICA

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Celebrating Two Centuries Of White Men Wrecking Australia’s Climate


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Aussie Climate Scamsters Lying About Perth Record Minimum

Climate scamsters down under continue their desperate attempt to save the carbon tax, by piling the lies higher and deeper (aka PhD) Perth endures hottest night on record the minimum was still a new record of 29.7 degrees at 3:12am, … Continue reading

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Tremendous Progress In Climate Science Over The Last 75 Years

In 1938, scientists believed that global warming was caused by the sun. World Climate Growing Warmer, Say Russians, Citing Arctic Data – Two Professors Independently Find Change in Temperatures–They See a Gulf Stream Relation, but Look for Deeper Causes TEMPERATURE … Continue reading

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@BryanWalsh : Arctic Melting Faster And Slower Than Expected

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Most Transparent White House In History Says Polar Vortex Misbehaving – Censors Any Dissenting Questions


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Shock News : Hockey Stick Is A Fraud

THE WEEK IN SCIENCE – OUR MELTING NORTH – New Evidence Supports Geology’s View That the Arctic Is Growing Warmer – View Article – NYTimes.com

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Celebrating 80 Years Of Ice-Free Arctic Consensus

THE WEEK IN SCIENCE – OUR MELTING NORTH – New Evidence Supports Geology’s View That the Arctic Is Growing Warmer – View Article – NYTimes.com

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US Purchased Alaska For Two Cents An Acre

THE ALASKA PURCHASE WAS A PROFITABLE INVESTMENT – United States Has Obtained Rich Gains for Payment of $7,200,000 — Records Show Returns Amounting to $154,000,000 Above Price Given for Territory. – View Article – NYTimes.com

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1954 : Glaciers All Around The Northern World Have Been Melting For Several Generations

About — Polar Ice – How fast does it melt? An expedition seeks the answer. – View Article – NYTimes.com

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