Daily Archives: January 15, 2014

2013 Had The Fourth Coldest Afternoon Temperatures In US History

There has been no trend in US afternoon temperatures since 1895, and 2013 had the fourth coldest afternoon temperatures on record. The 1920’s through 1950’s were hottest. Index of /pub/data/ghcn/daily/hcn/

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Nuttercelli’s Fake “Lindzen” Forecast Had No Basis And Was Completely Fraudulent

Willis Eschenbach dug up a report on Lindzen’s 1989 speech, which Dana used to create his fake “Lindzen” forecast. Lindzen was criticizing the integrity of the temperature record, not making a forecast. Here is the 1989 report. ]]]]]]]]] LINDZEN CRITICAL OF … Continue reading

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Arizona’s Hottest Month Was July, 1894

Arizona July maximum temperatures have been plummeting since the 1960’s.

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January 11, 1898 – Adelaide Was 113F

01 Jan 1932 – “The Bruckner Cycle Theory.” h/t to Andy Oz

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1897 : 124 Degrees In NSW


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Super Bowl Sunday – 1961

The Superbowl is being played on February 2. On that date in 1961, New Jersey was on the chilly side.

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NASA : If The Present Refuses To Get Warmer, Then The Past Must Get Cooler

Green below is the 1999 version of GISS global station data. Red is the 2014 version, normalized to 1998. NASA GISS: Science Briefs: Whither U.S. Climate? Fig.A.gif (656Ă—446) NASA has done some impressive work corrupting the global temperature record over … Continue reading

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Columbia University Professor In 1976 : Global Cooling To Continue For 20,000 Years – Continents To Get Covered With Ice

ICE AGES ATTRIBUTED TO EARTH ORBIT SHIFT – Scientists Find Periodic Changes in Path Around Sun ‘Positive Test’ of Climatic Theory – View Article – NYTimes.com

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