1937 : Antarctic Ice Receding – New Zealand Expected To Be Ice-Free In 2,500 years

ScreenHunter_1580 Jan. 12 07.31

Papers Past — Evening Post — 2 February 1937 — ANTARCTICA

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to 1937 : Antarctic Ice Receding – New Zealand Expected To Be Ice-Free In 2,500 years

  1. A subtlety: It was New Zealand to be ice-free in 2,500 years, then Antarctica “as time went on.”

    ===|==============/ Keith DeHavelle

  2. jimash1 says:

    My AGW interlocutors are now convinced that Greenland and Antarctica could “collapse” and suddenly melt away in just a few (20-30) years.
    I have protested that this defies the laws of nature, but they remain convinced of this paranoid delusion.

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