NASA rocket scientists are much smarter now. They may not be able to send men to the moon any more, but their data tampering skills are unparalleled.
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- Yonason on “Fascist Salute”
- Yonason on “Fascist Salute”
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- arn on “Fascist Salute”
These guys would have faked the landing, and claimed the Moon habitable.
And that we should get back to the moon so we can mine it for its green cheese.
they didn’t get to the moon either
75 years after Arrhenius posited the supposedly untouchable “established physics” on CO2, and the consensus in 1971 was that the “established physics” was… bunk?? Were they all really stupid then, or are they all so much smarter now? Neither, this whole theory was politically driven. It was a theory of convenience for those that wanted to push their leftist dreams.
“Our insatiable drive to rummage deep beneath the surface of the earth is a willful expansion of our dysfunctional civilization.” -Al Gore
“The only hope for the world is to make sure there is not another United States.” -M Oppenheimer, Environmental Defense Fund
“[Inaction will cause]… by the turn of the century [2000], an ecological catastrophe which will witness devastation as complete, as irreversible as any nuclear holocaust.” -Mustafa Tolba, 1982, ex UNEP Director
So, what does NASA do these days, apart from tamper with climate records?
Put Space Shuttles in museums, and make Arabs feel better about themselves.
Get $800m more in funding?
Seriously though, the guys that develop and run the space research stuff are to be admired. Fortunately, they *have* to have the science right in order to make everything work properly.
What the climate morons at GISS do with data is an entirely different matter; they’re apparently accountable to no-one if they have it wrong.
Thanks Dave, my brother works with what is left of the shuttle program. It was kind of you to remember those who once made us proud of NASA.
We’re still pretending they went to the moon?
You are still pretending you have a brain?