1974 : National Academy Of Sciences Wanted To Evacuate Six Million People To Save Them From Global Cooling

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to 1974 : National Academy Of Sciences Wanted To Evacuate Six Million People To Save Them From Global Cooling

  1. Bob Greene says:

    Some of them might have appreciated this evacuation, but not for climate reasons.

  2. Hugh K says:

    Instead of evacuating them, we gave them computers, a bunch of random email addresses and bank accounts. Amazing how most of the six million were related in some way to a former king that managed to earlier escape climate brutality with millions of dollars. Even more amazing, those same ‘climate victims’ in turn decided to share their fortune with people on the internet that they had never before met. In return for their generosity, all of those same strangers only needed to send the ‘climate victims’ enough money to cover the costs of the transfer along with their bank account number to receive their reward. Thankfully this resulted in those relatives of the king, which were formerly in climate peril, managing to not only survive but thrive in the very same hostile climate.
    And the climate scams just kept growing from there.

  3. Jimbo says:

    That very same Sahel has in recent decades been greening.

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