2010 : Salon Predicted That Global Warming Would Make The 2014 Superbowl Warm

ScreenHunter_1903 Jan. 16 20.37

New Yorkers Ready for 2014 Super Bowl & Global Warming – Nikki Stern – Open Salon

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to 2010 : Salon Predicted That Global Warming Would Make The 2014 Superbowl Warm

  1. Bob Greene says:

    Warm is a relative term. I’m sure it will be much warmer than Barrow or some place like that.

  2. Sundance says:

    “Of course as those very few who understand the concept realize, “global warming” doesn’t mean that each year the winters are necessarily warmer, although the average temperature is rising a few degrees each year.”

    I guess I’m one of the dumb deniers who doesn’t understand that “global warming” causes the average temperature to rise a few degrees each year. 🙂

    • Ben says:

      Didn’t you get the memo?

      The official unit for degrees is now picokelvin

    • jason Calley says:

      I am sure that Ms Stern (the “journalist” who wrote that sentence) had a clear inner voice at the time, a voice telling her, “Yes, very few understand the concept of global warming, only the insightful few who understand real science, the small handful of people like ME!”

      It would be laughable if only it were more rare. Time after time I find that the people who have succumbed to CAGW syndrome have a far too high opinion of their understanding of the subject. Again and again I find that they lack even the most basic facts (are the average temperatures rising a few degrees per year? Really?!) and analytical skills — but are convinced of their deep understanding!

      In a bit of deep irony (irony that she will most likely never understand) I see that Ms Stern has written a book, “Because I Say So: The Dangerous Appeal of Moral Authority”. She would do well to write a companion volume, “Because I Say So: The Dangerous Appeal of Scientific Authority”.

    • NotAGolfer says:

      Wow. According to her supreme understanding, the average temperature will rise 20 to 40 degrees in the next decade? This is worthy of publication in the _Nature_ and _Science_ journals!

    • Colorado Wellington says:

      Gentlemen, I remember doing something similar back in the day.

      I was 15 or 16, I did not have a clue about a subject, said something asinine about it with great confidence, and bragged about being one of the few who understood it.

      In short, the same level of intelligence and comprehension as Nikki Stern here except I had a valid reason to say it:

      I was trying to impress a girl.

      That’s where the similarity ends. It did not work. She was quite smart. And I was instantly ashamed of my idiocy.

  3. Anything is possible says:

    It’s a model run (GFS) up to 16 days out, so it needs to be taken with something of a dose of salt, but…………..


    …..it’s predicting sub-freezing temperatures every day from the 20th to the 31st, before briefly rising to 37 overnight on the Fri-Sat before the big game (accompanied by nearly an inch of rainfall, much of which could easily fall as snow) before plunging back to 19, the evening before game day.

    Get popcorn!

  4. Justa Joe says:

    Nikki Stern although among the elite few that understand that Glow-Bull warming causes the climate you’re accustomed to radically change yet somehow produces winters that are indistinguishable from every other winter is some blogger that writes for Salon.

    Funny how those with a self described elite understanding of “global warming” only gain the ability to make predictions that are much worse than those of people that don’t accept AGW.

  5. Bob Koss says:

    Claiming this is the first Super Bowl hosted in an outdoor stadium in the middle of winter simply isn’t true. I attended one in mid-January and didn’t even need a jacket. Additionally, my ticket on about the 40 yard line 15-20 rows from the field cost less than $10. Even from there, considering the more than 100 mile drive each way, I would have been better off watching game on television since I would have had a better view.

    Oh yeah. That was Super Bowl II played at the Orange Bowl. Packers vs Raiders, Starr vs Lamonica.

    • jason Calley says:

      Ah, but Bob, YOUR Superbowl game was in fly-over country. HER Superbowl game is in the REAL city!

    • Beale says:

      Super Bowls have often been played in outdoor stadiums – in the South and Southwest. This is the first time in a location that’s likely to be seriously cold.

  6. squid2112 says:

    “,,,, although the average temperature is rising a few degrees each year…”

    Seriously? … Who the hell lets them print BS like this? … Worse, who the hell actually believes anything they print?

    Now I ask you, given that quote, does Salon really maintain ANY shred of credibility in anything they print?

  7. rw says:

    Forget about global warming. It’s global boiling we have to worry about.

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