2012 Election Demographics Provide Insight Into Why 60% Of Adults Didn’t Used To Be Allowed To Vote

Just kidding.

Really. Just kidding. Not.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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23 Responses to 2012 Election Demographics Provide Insight Into Why 60% Of Adults Didn’t Used To Be Allowed To Vote

  1. In 1992, women voted with their berjiners in droves; also 1996. Al Gore being who he is, didn’t rate, so it was a more even match in 2000; Jon Carey, similarly so. In 2008, the fairer sex had a (sterotypical) hategasm against a certain person (who is better looking at nearly 50 than most of them were in their early 20s, haha! Suck it, wenches!). 2012 was pretty silly all around.

    Conclusion: berjiners are STUPID. Next time, use your fucking brains, women. Oh, what am I saying? Never mind.

  2. Okie says:

    And you wonder why they are trying to feminize the culture

    • Robertv says:

      Never ever tell a woman what to do. Let them decide that you make the decision what to do or where to go. And never buy flowers!

  3. gofer says:

    Emotions rule and logic remains out of reach for low info voters who major in subjects that end in “Studies.”

  4. Eric Simpson says:

    Got to know that it was women that were responsible for Prohibition. Though I also think they were responsible for its repeal, but do two wrongs make a right? Or is that just one wrong? Anyway, as far as voting demographics, the founding fathers insisted that in order for a democracy to work there needed to be strict property qualifications for the vote, or the masses would otherwise ram through economically pernicious income redistributions. Now those property qualifications have been long removed by the progressive do-gooders. Income redistribution. Sound familiar? Yes, and now the hordes are coming from the south to get their share.

  5. I’m not against women being allowed to vote, but when was the last time we had a president with facial hair? (Hillary 2016 does not count)

  6. sailor1031 says:

    You-all are a bunch of very stupid mysogynists. Makes me think you don’t have the brains to understand science either. You’re getting skepticism a bad name.

    • Eric Simpson says:

      Didn’t you see the “just kidding” ..? Didn’t you also see that all the comments were humorous posts? But that’s the way of the leftist warmist, twist and distort and bs, and take out of context, and lie. Lighten up, sailor1031.

    • Don’t be ridiculous. I was criticizing all those white men who voted for that climate hating Romney fellow.

    • gator69 says:

      Yep! That woman in the video I posted is an uber mysogynist, you caught us alright. Now go buy some land in Anatrctica for your retirement home, and I’ll sell you a bridge to get there.

    • They’ve apparently gone into their own little bubble (of simplistic, dogmatic belief) on this one. It’s just another sign of the times. I thought when I humorously (I thought) pointed out that women are “gay”, they would stop the anti-gay line, but instead they got anti-women. “Dude!,” as Michael Jordan says to the cat-wearer in the commercial. Self-defeating, all around. I could point out the several million Conservatives who refused to vote for Romney, but it would be like throwing a small piece of meat into a pack of starving wolves. Just remember that the insanity is catching, and the real enemy is false dogma masquerading as wisdom. Personally, I don’t trust anyone who can’t say “vagina” without insulting the German people (unwittingly, of course)–I may have to break into old German songs from my college days (“Die Lorelei” and “Lili Marlene” come immediately to mind)…”Ich weiss nicht wass soll es bedeuten, dass Ich so traurig bin…(hic–bartender, more peanuts!)…”

    • I currently live with a woman who is married to a raging mysogynist. She obviously has a horrible case of the Stockholms, & the fact that I enable this behaviour makes me worse than Jim Varney.

  7. I took Berjiner Studies, and not because I’m a mysogynist. I’m actually something of a berjinophile.

    • Jason Calley says:

      A berjinaphile, huh? Better be careful or you may be accused of being an androanalphob like some Duck people are.

  8. watcher says:

    Tell Children to learn German as a 2nd . You get strong bad looks Tell then it’s a Tung of long term successes. Spanish a Tung of 3rd world whatever. I know they Discovered China in the Caribbean. Led by an Italian.

  9. Robertv says:

    Women are looking for security a place to raise children in a safe environment, protection no worries about money or food.That’s why a guy promising all that has more possibilities. If he also has an expensive car even better.
    A man is a hunter and needs space and freedom to move.

    The curious thing is that most women will fall for the best hunter and then try to limit his freedom of movement.

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