Daily Archives: January 22, 2014

Missing Arctic Ice located In The Great Lakes

Great Lakes ice coverage is second highest on record for the date. Lake Erie is frozen solid. Leading experts say the Arctic is melting, because the polar vortex is too cold.   List – Product Search – Canadian Ice Service

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Too Many Girlfriends

The guy on the right has about a dozen girlfriends. Saw them while out cycling this evening.

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Hayhoe, Hayhoe, It’s Off To Shovel The Driveway We Go

Weather Street:Clouds and Precipitation Forecast Movie

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January 21, 1985 – Tennessee Was -25 F

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On The Other Side Of The Jet Stream

The east coast was very cold during the winter of 1976-1977, while Colorado had its driest winter on record. Snow in Miami, none in Colorado. http://news.google.com/newspapers

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January 1977 Global Cooling Polar Vortex Produced Snow In Miami

Could it snow in Tampa, Florida this weekend? – Capital Weather Gang – The Washington Post Look familiar? Obama says that the identical pattern is now caused by global warming.

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23 Years Since The New York Times Announced The End Of Cold Winters

Cold Season Loses Its Chill, Giving a New View of Winter By MATTHEW L. WALD Published: June 30, 1991 Not only the cold war is over; so, apparently, are cold winters. The official heating season of 1990-91 ends today, and … Continue reading

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