23 Years Since The New York Times Announced The End Of Cold Winters

Cold Season Loses Its Chill, Giving a New View of Winter
Published: June 30, 1991

Not only the cold war is over; so, apparently, are cold winters. The official heating season of 1990-91 ends today, and in many places, the weather was the mildest it had been in 30 years.

Cold Season Loses Its Chill, Giving a New View of Winter – NYTimes.com

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to 23 Years Since The New York Times Announced The End Of Cold Winters

  1. omanuel says:

    Thanks for this message. I too had noticed that the end of the Cold War (Banishment of the Evil Empire) coincided with the Announced End of Cold Winters !

    A coincidence ?

  2. Orson Olson says:

    A GF of mine, then a newly minted MD, had done her Master’s in environmental studies at the University of Minnesota around 1996-7. And who taught her about global warming during her course of study? Ex-Cold War rocket scientists! That is, Defense Department funded physicists re-tasked to expound on the new UNFCC/IPCC religion of man-made global warming. Bought and paid “science” twice over.

  3. Andy DC says:

    You deniers never learn! Extreme warm winters and extreme cold winters are both totally consistent with a warming planet. Along with everything else in between.

    • knifemare69 says:

      No, you Wall Street global warming shills never learn – you can only pay off scientists for so long before everyone else figures out your scam. You psychos are all about imposing new energy taxes to make the 1% richer when their middle class competition goes out of business. You people are a bunch of collaborators and frauds and frankly I can’t wait till the government and its corporate masters collapse so you’ll have to get a REAL job…

    • Idylewylde says:

      You deniers never learn! Extreme warm winters and extreme cold winters are both totally consistent with a cooling planet. Along with everything else in between.

  4. Billy Liar says:

    That’s funny, I seem to remember shovelling around 44″ of snow in northern Virginia only 4½ years later in the winter of 95-96.


  5. omanuel says:


    As an aside, I compliment you on your keen insight into Big Brother’s behavior !

  6. woody188 says:

    It was -20F in 1994 in Columbus, OH. I walked to classes that day at Ohio State. My breath froze on my scarf and my eyes watered so bad the tears froze on my cheeks. If it’s warming, I don’t see it happening. How many climatologists have to get trapped in the ice before they end their Chicken Little crusades?

  7. yaridanjo says:

    Chicken Little crusades? That’s the problem. Fireballs hitting Earth are adding dust to the atmosphere and blocking the Sunlight. They are on the increase. Thus it is getting colder.

    Google or Bing: 2013 saw a dramatic increase in meteor fireballs – What does 2014 have in store?

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