Daily Archives: January 29, 2014

Dimwitted President Who Doesn’t Know Enough To Participate In The Debate, Says The Debate Is Over

‘Climate change is a fact,’ Obama declares | TheHill If he debated “climate change” he would get his ass kicked all the way back to Kenya. So instead behaves like a infant and simply declares that he won the fight.

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Book Your Antarctic Vacation Now

Temperatures peaked at -17C a few weeks ago, and are starting to plummet down to the -40’s. Charter your global warming boat right away, with Professor Chris Turney as your spiritual leader. Weather History for Vostok, #HISTORY.statename | Weather Underground

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Shock News : “U.S. Agencies Accused of Fudging Data to Show Global Warming”

U.S. Agencies Accused of Fudging Data to Show Global Warming

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With Russia 10C Below Normal, Climate Geniuses Announce That Global Warming Threatens The Winter Olympics

Global Warming Threatens Winter Olympics, a Win for Polar Bears, Corporations Care About Climate, Too | OnEarth Magazine 10-Day Temperature Outlook

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