As of 2013-12-23 17:43:18
This archived 1997 GISS zonal temperature record contained the text below. Now it contains no text. This can’t happen without someone intentionally tampering with the file.
Annual mean Temperature Anomalies in .01 C selected zonal means sources: NCAR 1752/1988 MCDW-01/1997 NOAA-03/1997 Notes: ***** = missing - base period: 1951-1980 24N 24S 90S 64N 44N 24N EQU 24S 44S 64S 90S Year Glob NHem SHem -90N -24N -24S -90N -64N -44N -24N -EQU -24S -44S -64S Year 1866 -48 -77 -20 -50 -103 20 -192 -64 -14 -117 -80 26 37 ***** 1866 1867 -58 -77 -39 -60 -100 -1 -242 -117 9 -103 -96 4 27 ***** 1867 1868 -48 -56 -41 -36 -76 -35 -63 -34 -28 -86 -48 -25 -44 ***** 1868 1869 -36 -31 -42 -22 -47 -30 -107 -25 -2 -45 -58 -25 -9 ***** 1869 1870 -43 -32 -54 -13 -67 -27 -65 -43 16 -61 -94 -24 3 ***** 1870 1871 -40 -44 -37 -47 -40 -30 -152 -91 -3 -38 -47 -27 0 ***** 1871 1872 -24 -24 -23 -18 -37 -7 -1 -11 -21 -34 -47 -10 54 ***** 1872 1873 -19 -29 -9 -27 -32 10 -50 -37 -13 -30 -38 9 60 ***** 1873 1874 -49 -39 -60 -34 -56 -43 -59 -40 -21 -46 -85 -44 12 ***** 1874 1875 -59 -71 -48 -89 -53 -28 -90 -135 -58 -44 -78 -29 27 ***** 1875 1876 -42 -40 -43 -49 -37 -24 -105 -64 -27 -27 -71 -20 5 ***** 1876 1877 -11 -13 -8 -25 2 -7 -99 -19 -10 4 -9 5 -29 ***** 1877 1878 -2 12 -16 9 18 -37 -10 50 -3 17 16 -24 -53 ***** 1878 1879 -50 -40 -60 -38 -51 -51 -57 -88 -7 -43 -74 -44 -33 ***** 1879 1880 -33 -52 -13 -52 -43 -8 -101 -70 -30 -53 -19 -5 25 ***** 1880 24N 24S 90S 64N 44N 24N EQU 24S 44S 64S 90S Year Glob NHem SHem -90N -24N -24S -90N -64N -44N -24N -EQU -24S -44S -64S Year 1881 -33 -40 -26 -46 -27 -27 -117 -66 -12 -30 -24 -24 11 ***** 1881 1882 -40 -46 -33 -50 -38 -31 -169 -35 -31 -39 -37 -26 -8 ***** 1882 1883 -39 -54 -24 -61 -37 -27 -25 -86 -49 -44 -19 -27 19 ***** 1883 1884 -65 -78 -52 -85 -58 -64 -134 -90 -68 -67 -35 -52 -75 ***** 1884 1885 -43 -54 -31 -77 -17 -41 -183 -75 -49 -19 -16 -32 -39 ***** 1885 1886 -40 -48 -32 -63 -24 -40 -155 -53 -44 -26 -21 -31 -36 ***** 1886 1887 -52 -60 -44 -64 -54 -37 -188 -63 -30 -54 -55 -33 -8 ***** 1887 1888 -30 -43 -17 -60 -9 -35 -150 -70 -27 -16 8 -16 -60 ***** 1888 1889 -12 -21 -2 -35 9 -24 -84 -29 -24 -1 30 -15 -17 ***** 1889 1890 -40 -41 -38 -41 -48 -24 -117 -47 -16 -42 -59 -25 13 ***** 1890 1891 -42 -43 -41 -55 -34 -32 -127 -48 -40 -24 -54 -27 -12 ***** 1891 1892 -39 -48 -30 -59 -31 -31 -122 -67 -34 -33 -30 -32 10 ***** 1892 1893 -45 -53 -38 -55 -55 -20 -65 -47 -56 -50 -65 -29 46 ***** 1893 1894 -35 -43 -27 -46 -42 -13 -80 -43 -36 -39 -47 -20 43 ***** 1894 1895 -36 -46 -25 -60 -29 -21 -72 -70 -46 -26 -33 -21 10 ***** 1895 1896 -19 -35 -4 -53 -14 9 -105 -67 -25 -7 -24 18 15 ***** 1896 1897 -14 -21 -8 -38 4 -15 -37 -45 -31 5 2 0 -26 ***** 1897 1898 -37 -40 -34 -46 -28 -40 -136 -44 -21 -31 -25 -30 -38 ***** 1898 1899 -22 -23 -22 -26 -25 -14 -97 -21 -8 -19 -34 0 -21 ***** 1899 1900 0 -8 7 -18 11 2 -70 -13 -4 8 14 22 -24 ***** 1900 24N 24S 90S 64N 44N 24N EQU 24S 44S 64S 90S Year Glob NHem SHem -90N -24N -24S -90N -64N -44N -24N -EQU -24S -44S -64S Year 1901 -8 -10 -7 -16 -4 -7 -59 9 -22 -1 -7 -2 11 ***** 1901 1902 -24 -36 -13 -55 -1 -26 -167 -49 -25 -8 7 -1 -67 ***** 1902 1903 -36 -40 -32 -46 -25 -41 -44 -29 -59 -31 -18 -27 -46 -131 1903 1904 -49 -50 -48 -46 -60 -38 -48 -43 -47 -56 -64 -22 -41 -169 1904 1905 -27 -30 -24 -32 -15 -39 -6 -6 -58 -28 -1 -26 -41 -86 1905 1906 -19 -18 -20 -22 -10 -28 -28 2 -39 -12 -8 -8 -42 -91 1906 1907 -43 -49 -37 -59 -36 -35 -42 -71 -53 -34 -38 -26 -25 -124 1907 1908 -30 -38 -22 -40 -30 -19 -28 -42 -42 -33 -26 -23 7 74 1908 1909 -30 -38 -22 -47 -23 -23 -78 -46 -37 -25 -21 -19 -6 -77 1909 1910 -29 -41 -17 -39 -36 -11 -80 -16 -44 -45 -26 -11 8 35 1910 1911 -29 -31 -27 -33 -28 -24 -22 -28 -40 -26 -31 -21 -9 -12 1911 1912 -28 -43 -13 -62 -4 -27 -88 -66 -49 -15 8 -6 -40 -209 1912 1913 -23 -36 -10 -42 -16 -14 -70 -27 -44 -27 -5 8 -32 -131 1913 1914 -4 -15 7 -22 3 5 -76 -4 -18 -4 10 18 1 -34 1914 1915 -2 -7 3 -23 21 -12 -98 -11 -7 17 26 14 -30 -263 1915 1916 -24 -37 -12 -40 -20 -15 -75 -44 -25 -31 -7 -2 -9 -179 1916 1917 -42 -61 -22 -73 -42 -11 -154 -55 -58 -44 -40 -26 55 36 1917 1918 -35 -45 -25 -48 -37 -18 -126 -30 -37 -39 -36 -12 -8 -7 1918 1919 -17 -30 -4 -45 -5 -4 -87 -54 -23 -7 -2 3 1 19 1919 1920 -17 -21 -13 -18 -15 -19 5 -13 -30 -25 -5 -3 -29 -103 1920 24N 24S 90S 64N 44N 24N EQU 24S 44S 64S 90S Year Glob NHem SHem -90N -24N -24S -90N -64N -44N -24N -EQU -24S -44S -64S Year 1921 -10 -9 -10 1 -15 -14 -17 16 -5 -25 -5 2 -23 -91 1921 1922 -13 -19 -8 -20 -11 -10 -16 -36 -8 -16 -6 -4 4 -49 1922 1923 -16 -11 -21 -3 -18 -27 44 5 -22 -22 -13 -11 -43 -52 1923 1924 -15 -12 -17 -15 -3 -31 19 -14 -25 -8 2 -24 -11 -141 1924 1925 -15 -5 -24 6 -17 -32 -17 40 -13 -21 -13 -17 -42 -78 1925 1926 10 17 2 19 16 -9 52 45 -11 14 19 13 -40 -65 1926 1927 -3 1 -8 -3 7 -18 0 -6 -1 6 8 12 -61 -183 1927 1928 3 11 -6 9 13 -18 76 6 -12 14 13 9 -43 -299 1928 1929 -18 -16 -20 -19 -11 -25 39 -30 -31 -11 -12 -8 -34 -179 1929 1930 -7 8 -21 16 -7 -28 65 18 -4 -4 -11 7 -74 -325 1930 1931 4 16 -9 14 16 -23 69 0 5 20 11 -9 -27 -82 1931 1932 2 8 -5 16 0 -9 50 26 -5 -3 2 12 -29 -135 1932 1933 -14 -22 -6 -31 -4 -10 -8 -48 -25 -9 1 5 -13 -138 1933 1934 2 5 0 24 -11 -2 86 35 -8 -23 2 8 5 -90 1934 1935 -7 -1 -13 6 -2 -26 49 7 -10 -12 7 -3 -53 -160 1935 1936 2 5 -2 8 4 -7 45 18 -13 1 6 1 -4 6 1936 1937 12 24 0 36 9 -8 138 21 12 6 13 -1 -12 121 1937 1938 13 26 -1 51 -4 -3 147 50 17 -10 3 15 -17 -119 1938 1939 -3 14 -20 32 -7 -33 90 29 13 -12 -1 -1 -77 -215 1939 1940 14 17 11 20 16 6 88 15 -1 12 19 12 15 47 1940 24N 24S 90S 64N 44N 24N EQU 24S 44S 64S 90S Year Glob NHem SHem -90N -24N -24S -90N -64N -44N -24N -EQU -24S -44S -64S Year 1941 12 15 9 6 30 -5 4 -12 20 28 31 8 -12 -33 1941 1942 9 9 10 9 16 1 38 2 5 7 24 18 -8 -109 1942 1943 4 6 1 29 -16 4 111 33 -4 -29 -3 0 36 103 1943 1944 11 13 8 28 4 4 104 42 -10 -9 15 17 -6 -24 1944 1945 -4 -5 -4 -1 0 -13 51 -8 -14 -11 10 17 -47 -236 1945 1946 1 9 -6 10 6 -13 7 -3 21 7 4 1 -33 33 1946 1947 12 16 9 18 16 1 91 -6 12 12 21 8 4 17 1947 1948 -1 8 -10 16 3 -24 25 29 3 -4 10 2 -46 -130 1948 1949 -7 2 -16 11 -2 -31 38 13 1 -11 7 0 -52 -236 1949 1950 -15 -14 -15 -6 -19 -18 43 -24 -9 -27 -11 10 -47 -90 1950 1951 -2 6 -10 8 4 -20 14 6 7 3 4 -23 0 20 1951 1952 4 8 -1 8 14 -14 23 -8 16 8 19 -8 -4 -34 1952 1953 13 31 -4 42 14 -17 100 40 22 14 14 0 -12 -164 1953 1954 -7 1 -16 7 -6 -22 82 -23 1 -7 -6 -8 -23 -73 1954 1955 -6 -10 -3 -1 -20 6 -33 -7 14 -22 -17 -20 20 129 1955 1956 -17 -30 -3 -34 -24 11 -9 -58 -24 -25 -24 -17 40 58 1956 1957 10 2 18 3 7 20 9 24 -14 1 14 8 23 47 1957 1958 10 18 2 14 24 -12 -17 23 18 24 23 6 -22 -47 1958 1959 5 12 -2 16 11 -14 55 15 4 6 16 7 -39 -33 1959 1960 -1 11 -12 14 1 -17 39 7 11 6 -4 4 -8 -88 1960 24N 24S 90S 64N 44N 24N EQU 24S 44S 64S 90S Year Glob NHem SHem -90N -24N -24S -90N -64N -44N -24N -EQU -24S -44S -64S Year 1961 8 7 10 18 -4 15 -14 37 16 -10 1 22 -7 28 1961 1962 2 10 -5 20 -7 -3 45 30 5 -7 -7 5 23 -66 1962 1963 2 10 -6 13 3 -10 -11 31 9 6 -1 -2 -32 1 1963 1964 -26 -23 -29 -30 -14 -38 -48 -33 -21 -13 -15 -25 -42 -69 1964 1965 -15 -18 -13 -21 -12 -15 -28 -27 -14 -14 -9 -9 -19 -27 1965 1966 -9 -6 -12 -17 7 -20 -90 -18 10 12 2 -25 -28 -1 1966 1967 -2 -1 -3 8 -14 4 41 25 -16 -15 -13 2 -5 17 1967 1968 -12 -13 -10 -15 -16 -2 -44 -3 -14 -10 -23 -15 22 -6 1968 1969 3 -2 8 -23 25 1 -1 -49 -12 31 20 4 -21 21 1969 1970 4 -2 10 -8 5 14 -25 -12 1 8 3 11 2 37 1970 1971 -11 -18 -5 -9 -26 7 -5 -8 -12 -30 -22 -5 16 21 1971 1972 -7 -24 10 -41 8 8 -34 -62 -29 2 13 9 -21 47 1972 1973 19 17 22 17 22 18 15 27 9 17 27 19 3 36 1973 1974 -7 -16 2 -15 -23 22 -20 -17 -12 -18 -28 0 30 69 1974 1975 -5 -5 -5 11 -26 7 12 29 -5 -30 -21 3 5 17 1975 1976 -22 -26 -18 -27 -22 -17 -11 -36 -26 -24 -21 -20 -15 -14 1976 1977 16 16 17 19 13 19 15 29 12 12 13 15 20 25 1977 1978 9 8 11 6 5 18 -11 13 6 11 0 12 32 12 1978 1979 14 15 13 7 22 10 -64 19 26 27 17 15 27 -32 1979 1980 28 22 34 13 29 42 19 7 13 35 23 34 36 70 1980 24N 24S 90S 64N 44N 24N EQU 24S 44S 64S 90S Year Glob NHem SHem -90N -24N -24S -90N -64N -44N -24N -EQU -24S -44S -64S Year 1981 39 49 28 69 15 41 110 89 33 21 8 22 50 73 1981 1982 7 6 8 -1 11 9 -31 9 2 16 7 16 17 -20 1982 1983 29 36 22 36 38 11 10 67 20 36 40 12 21 4 1983 1984 11 10 13 7 10 17 28 5 -1 14 6 -1 29 58 1984 1985 11 0 21 -1 4 32 21 -22 5 3 4 22 62 27 1985 1986 16 15 16 18 11 21 -2 30 15 12 9 12 41 31 1986 1987 32 31 32 15 53 21 -47 16 41 55 50 22 39 1 1987 1988 35 41 29 47 36 22 52 58 34 33 38 27 13 22 1988 1989 25 30 21 49 5 29 39 77 29 2 8 28 71 -40 1989 1990 47 62 31 78 36 30 66 91 71 38 34 29 38 38 1990 1991 42 48 36 58 32 40 80 70 36 35 30 26 39 107 1991 1992 13 14 13 12 23 2 -23 31 11 17 29 -3 5 32 1992 1993 21 26 16 26 29 6 55 32 7 26 32 14 32 -63 1993 1994 31 46 16 57 29 8 37 55 67 30 27 24 8 -39 1994 1995 47 74 21 94 44 4 138 109 59 44 45 10 -4 10 1995 1996 36 39 32 41 32 36 80 32 29 37 27 8 60 114 1996 Year Glob NHem SHem 24N 24S 90S 64N 44N 24N EQU 24S 44S 64S 90S Year -90N -24N -24S -90N -64N -44N -24N -EQU -24S -44S -64S
Thanks in large measure to the tenacity of bloggers like you, the US National Academy of Science, the UK’s Royal Society, the German, Norwegian and Swedish National Academies of Sciences, their favorite research journals, their research agencies and fellow travelers are all going down.
The climate debate even helped us get out information about the Sun that had been blocked by the gatekeepers of consensus science for sixty-eight years.
Today, the genie is out of the bottle and will never be returned !
A two-page addendum has been added with these final conclusions:
1. We will all work together or we will die separately.
2. The same reality is revealed by meditation and observation.
“Putting out the stars and extinguishing the sun.”
-Ray Bradbury, ‘Fahrenheit 451’
Thank you for the quote. I had overlooked Ray Bradbury’s writings.
For the first fifty years of my research career (1960-2010), it was completely beyond my comprehension that the National Academies of Sciences and Nobel Prizes might be the Ministry of Truth and the Official and Final Seal of Approval for the tyrannical, one-world government that emerged from the Second World War.
But today, the joke is on wannabe world tyrants.
After convincing their followers that science is incompatible with religion, it turns out that, “The creator and sustainer of every atom and life in the solar system, as revealed by scientific observations, is indistinguishable from those described as the Father of Light, the Spirit of the Universe, or God, the Creator and Sustainer of lives and matter by various religions throughout the recorded history of mankind.”
Desperately trying to conceal the evidence?
It won’t work, of course.
Quite soon now, even the most recalcitrant CAGW evangelist is going to have to admit that it just isn’t going to happen.
AGW = It’s All Gone Wrong!
May be some one else should keep copies of these Records. This looks like deliberate fraud.
The most dangerous (to human life) deception may be the decision to replace Nobel Laureate Francis W. Aston’s rigorously valid “nuclear packing fraction” in textbooks with Carl F. von Weizsacker’s convincing but deceptive “nuclear binding energy” after the Second World War.
You can confirm this ongoing deception for yourself by looking in textbooks of physics and chemistry that are still used today to train the designers and operators of nuclear reactors.