Aussie Climate Scamsters Lying About Perth Record Minimum

Climate scamsters down under continue their desperate attempt to save the carbon tax, by piling the lies higher and deeper (aka PhD)

Perth endures hottest night on record

the minimum was still a new record of 29.7 degrees at 3:12am, 0.4 degrees warmer than the previous record

Weather News Story » Weatherzone Mobile

On February 8, 1933, the minimum was 30C, and was met or exceeded 24 years prior.

Last night’s temperature was 86. the highest minimum temperature for February recorded in Perth for 24 years

ScreenHunter_1572 Jan. 12 06.30

08 Feb 1933 – HEAT RECORD 111.7 Degrees at Perth NO RELIEF EXP…

The climate scam depends on a constant stream of official lies and misinformation.

h/t to Andy Oz

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Aussie Climate Scamsters Lying About Perth Record Minimum

  1. gator69 says:

    Obviously those are historic temperatures, and had not yet been corrected by the much smarter post modern scientists. A little known fact is that dinosaurs were tiny, and fossilization swelled their remains.

  2. Rosco says:

    I heard a BOM meteorologist on the ABC radio earlier this year talking about how they were actively removing historic maximum temperature records from the data set.

    The reason was they doubted these had been recorded in accordance with standard techniques because they were so extreme – the claim is they were recorded in the sun.

    Without any evidence they simply remove old record maximum temperatures because they don’t fit the current debate.

    How can anyone trust a temperature record when record maximums are arbitrarily expunged and weather stations are moved to different localities at seemingly random times.

    Because of the relocation of weather stations cities such as Brisbane do not have anything like a continuous temperature record. Some of the modern stations have less than 30 years of data.

    Some simply disappear altogether.

    • Andy Oz says:

      They keep forgetting Australia used Fahrenheit up to 1975. That’s why the BOM muppets cannot believe the temperature got so high! 😀

    • Dave N says:

      According to the Australian Bureau Of Statistics, Stevenson screens were in wide use (with very few exceptions) throughout Australia by 1910. Even before then, official thermometers were always under shade (something humans had learned for at least one hundred years beforehand), so I call “bunk” on their claims.

  3. Andy Oz says:

    Up to 1926, According to Mr Curlewis of the Perth Weather Bureau, Western Australia’s record maximum of 123.2F (50.7 C) occurred on January 22, 1906 at Eucla.

    Of course, that has been conveniently lost from the BOM archives. It never got hot in Western Australia before CO2 reached 350ppm or so the alarmists would have all our children believe.

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