Black Friday January 14, 1939 – 114 Degrees In Melbourne

ScreenHunter_1884 Jan. 16 13.20

13 Jan 1950 – Memories of Black Friday, 1939 THIS IS FRIDAY 13th

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Black Friday January 14, 1939 – 114 Degrees In Melbourne

  1. darrylb says:

    Off subject, but great,
    Check out Dr. Judith Curry’s testimony before congress—at Climate Depot
    I thought she might be more neutral, but it appears she is much more of a skeptic.
    At any rate, I really appreciate the fact that she is going to call things as she sees them.
    She gets five stars!!

  2. donpenim says:

    On today’s date:

    Jan. 16, 1889

    The temperature at Cloncurry, Queensland, Australia, soared to 128 F.
    The highest temperature ever recorded on the continent of Australia.

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