Celebrating Two Centuries Of White Men Wrecking Australia’s Climate


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Celebrating Two Centuries Of White Men Wrecking Australia’s Climate

  1. gator69 says:

    “A few genes have previously been associated with human pigment disorders — most notably those that, when mutated, lead to albinism, an extreme form of pigment loss. But the newly found glitch is the first found to play a role in the formation of “normal” white skin. The Penn State team calculates that the gene, known as slc24a5, is responsible for about one-third of the pigment loss that made black skin white. A few other as-yet-unidentified mutated genes apparently account for the rest.

    Although precise dating is impossible, several scientists speculated on the basis of its spread and variation that the mutation arose between 20,000 and 50,000 years ago. That would be consistent with research showing that a wave of ancestral humans migrated northward and eastward out of Africa about 50,000 years ago.”


    So now we finally know what caused the end of the last Glacial Maximum.

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