Check Out Those Big Brown Eyes

I saw my buddy in the mountains again today with his 14 girlfriends. This one is cutest. Check out those big brown eyes.

ScreenHunter_286 Jan. 23 17.33

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Check Out Those Big Brown Eyes

  1. That’s one of Obama’s deer, looking down on you…and you were taken in by his brown eyes (jeez, Beav).

  2. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    She has a nice rack developing there.

  3. Brad-DXT says:

    What kind of yardage are we talking here? Are you still practicing with the bow? Is this dinner on the hoof (in the fall)? Inquiring minds want to know.

    • 40 yards off the road. I was on my bicycle.. Yes, I shoot my Pearson Spoiler bow almost every day. Looks like a bumper crop this year.

      • Brad-DXT says:

        Wish I could say the same thing. Blue tongue has decimated the population by my spot in southern Illinois. I got zilch this last season. Guess I’ll be eating a lot of chicken in 2014 because after 15 years of eating primarily venison, store-bought beef tastes kinda funky.

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