Dana’s Fraudulent Lindzen Projection Beats Hansen

I overlaid Dana’s completely fraudulent “Lindzen” projection (dark blue normalized to start date of 1988) on top of Hansen, GISS (light blue) and RSS (purple)

Even Dana’s completely bogus Lindzen projection beats Hansen by a wide margin. Yet The Guardian continues to lie to their readers about it.

ScreenHunter_1742 Jan. 14 10.04

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Dana’s Fraudulent Lindzen Projection Beats Hansen

  1. omnologos says:

    Honest Dana is now refusing to discuss his fabrication.

    I guess he’s just discovered what happens when made-up fantasies leave the protected pages of SkS…protected because even fewer people reade them than the Guardian’s.

  2. phodges says:

    Is the Guardian still running this, even though Lindzen has said he does not do forecasting??

  3. hannuko says:

    After this latest stunt by mister Nuccitelli, I’m starting to suspect he is really not playing with a full deck. Of course I’ve known for a long time that nobody at SkS is ‘all there’, but now I’m starting to think that he is completely insane. Something like total mental breakdown –insane.

    To debunk someone’s opinions by making up a graph that he supposedly “forecast” – can you get any more obviously straw-man-argument than that? – and in a widely read magazine? That is just insane! No-one in their right mind would ever consider doing anything so stupid in a discussion where you win by not appearing to be the lying-brainwashy-fanatic -type!

    Whatever he was trying to do, he managed just to underline that are just making things up. It’s going to be a lot of fun to whack them in the head with this for the next… forever. 😀

    • If you’ve spent years distorting information then making stuff up completely doesn’t seem like a big leap I suppose.

    • Louis Hooffstetter says:

      hannuko says:
      To debunk someone’s opinions by making up a graph that he supposedly “forecast”…
      That is just insane! No-one in their right mind would ever consider doing anything so stupid…

      Absolutely! And now everyone knows Dana Nuccitelli literally makes shit up. As the alarmosphere’s newest most outspoken liar (just ahead of Mikey Mann), Dana is its’ new worst enemy.

      Go Dana, Go!

  4. Rosco says:

    Surely the business as usual scenario needs MAJOR modification.

    Since 1988 both India and China have massively increased CO2 output.

    Europe has NOT decreased its output one iota despite government mandated green policies – it has increased as has the rest of the western world.

    So Hansen’s graphs need major modifications upwards.

    • The Hansen model is obsolete so it won’t be updated. It is only interesting in the sense that Hansen’s work was canonical to the CAGW movement, and it’s an old model, so it’s interesting to see how it fared over a long period of time.

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