Experts In 1974 : Polar Vortex Caused By Global Cooling, Produces Drought And Disastrous Tornadoes

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TIME Magazine Archive Article — Another Ice Age? — Jun. 24, 1974

Experts are much smarter now, and know that polar vortexes and record cold are caused by an overheated atmosphere.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Experts In 1974 : Polar Vortex Caused By Global Cooling, Produces Drought And Disastrous Tornadoes

  1. TheJollyGreenMan says:

    Must have been unimportant and non-peer-reviewed scientists that said that.

    We know because Willy Connolley, the Wiki Wanker, says so on Wiki and refers to his own peer-reviewed paper, it must therefor be true. Global Cooling was not mainstream science… WCWW PhD, end of story!

  2. geran says:

    Another great find by “SG”.

    I’m sure this will be reported on MSM….

  3. Paul Clark says:

    In an effort to make warm be responsible for cold the warmists have it back to front: they view the jet stream as “guiding” and “steering” weather here and there, like a magic sky cord that pulls weather around. The theory goes, the cord is all squiggly and wobbly due to AGW.

    First, there’s no evidence the cord is “more wobbly” than usual. Second, surely the jet stream is the result of moving air and Earth’s rotation; it doesn’t “pull” weather systems anywhere; it is a result not a cause?

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