February 2, 1961 NYC Set A Record For Consecutive Sub-Freezing Days

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ScreenHunter_1902 Jan. 16 20.29

-2 COLD IN CITY SETS 18-YEAR LOW – 15 Subfreezing Days Equal Record of 1881 — Relief Still Not in Sight -2 COLD IN CITY SETS 18-YEAR LOW – View Article – NYTimes.com

February 2, 2014 is Super Bowl Sunday

ScreenHunter_1888 Jan. 16 13.57

10-Day Temperature Outlook for the Conterminous U.S.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to February 2, 1961 NYC Set A Record For Consecutive Sub-Freezing Days

  1. Bob Greene says:

    In the early ’60’s I was sure that anything near the NC-VA line was the snow belt and something as far north as NYC was inside the Arctic Circle. This proves my belief was right.

    I suppose “unprecedented” in climate science doesn’t mean never happened before. The weather people seem to act like it means first time this year.

  2. Don says:

    The reporting on local weather has become one big laugh. Here in the Sound Shore area they call it “bitter” cold when it is in the upper teens. Just another sign that journalism school has destroyed common sense.

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