Finishing The Job Of Healing The Planet

Six years ago, King Obama Canute announced that he healed the planet. Apparently that didn’t work very well, as he still feels that he has to destroy the economy in order to stop the seas from rising.

Stopping the seas from rising is fine, but short term he needs to immediately sign an executive order banning assault droughts in California, or at least start a drought registry and background checks for Gaia.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Finishing The Job Of Healing The Planet

  1. R. de Haan says:

    He get’s some help from alarmists in California and Drudge turning it into a headline article with a picture from the 80’s:

  2. Bruce says:

    King Canute gets bad press. He was demonstrating that even kings are limited by God and nature.

    Obama don’t accept no such steenking limits. Unlike Canute the seas stopped rising as soon as they saw the radiance of his magnificance.

  3. RichardLH says:

    Apologies for basing my new ‘slogan’ on one of your images. I have ref. you to acknowledge the source.

    Null Hypothesis = Scenario C

    • It should read “assumes zero additional effects after 2000”

      • RichardLH says:

        I wanted to keep his ‘year 2000’ so the wording came out as is it (mainly to fit the space available).

        Does kinda make the point though. Hansen was right. Just not about the thing that he believes in 🙂

        The point being, of course, that Scenario C is the one where the greenhouse gasses ‘knob’ of the models is set to ‘no effect’.

        Tracks that rather well does it not?

        Should work of cards or tee-shirts. You could do your own, probably better, version.

  4. gator69 says:

    I think you meant ‘heeling’ the planet.

  5. HankH says:

    That was five years before Zerocare. This January, the planet’s insurance got cancelled and it can’t afford the deductibles. We’re all going to be toast I tell ya!

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