Florida Hurricane Frequency Plummeting

During the 1870’s, Florida averaged about 1.3 hurricanes per year. That average is now less than 0.5, and it has been nine years since Florida was hit by a hurricane – by far the longest such period on record.

ScreenHunter_1590 Jan. 12 09.22

HURDAT Re-analysis Chronological List of All Hurricanes

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Florida Hurricane Frequency Plummeting

  1. Okie says:

    He can change his name to Barack “Hurricane” Obama; the name Hussein doesn’t play well in Peoria anyway.

  2. B.C. says:

    Just keep trying to jinx us, Steve. Has anyone mentioned that Colorado has been in an extreme deficit of monster blizzards lately? 😉

  3. Andy DC says:

    The alarmists thought they had a live one back in 2004-2005. it did not exactly work out for them.

  4. B.C. says:

    Yeah, Andy, 2004-2005 sucked here in FL. We were dodging ‘canes like crack-addled squirrels on an Interstate at rush hour. It’s amazing how natural cycles work, isn’t it?

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