Global Sea Ice Area #1 For Date And Poised To Blow Away All January Records

ScreenHunter_1216 Jan. 02 14.25

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Global Sea Ice Area #1 For Date And Poised To Blow Away All January Records

  1. Brad says:

    Damnit Steve, when will you learn. It’s the accelerated melting of the interior of Antarctic continental ice that is causing this. It’s so hot in the interior. How many times do we need to tell you? (sarc)

  2. Lawrence13 says:

    Steve, anyone: I take it the two right hand columns are SH and NH sea ice coverage?

    Please excuse my ignorance

  3. B.C. says:

    It’s even worse than they predicted! We’re all gonna die! The Earth has a feeeeeeeeeever!

    *Pops open a cold beer*

  4. Eric Simpson says:

    Right now, today, for the climate change hippies, the sh’t ice is hitting the fan. For years, when the Chicken Littles pointed to receding Arctic ice, and we said “it’s cyclical, and look at growing level of Antarctic ice,” the Prophets of Doom and the media ignored Antarctica, and gave only the Arctic as proof of our imminent doom if we don’t cut back to the bone our industrial output. Funny how that hippie solution to stop the melting Arctic jived so perfectly with their peace & love ’60s idea of … cutting back to the bone our industrial output. Anyway, now ice is growing at record rates or to record levels at both poles. What do the scare mongers say now? Maybe: “it’s cyclical, and look at, um, the deep ocean? We’re doomed, I tell you! Look at that tornado!!! Or flood, or something.”

    • B.C. says:

      “Natural variability” don’t pay the bills. (Or bring in research grants confiscated tax payer dollars and paid speaking gigs.)

  5. NikFromNYC says:

    “for date” is the voice of sincere clarity.

  6. Ken Gregory says:

    I made graphs of daily and year-average anomalies of the global and southern sea ice.
    The global 2013 average sea ice area is the highest since 1996.
    The global annual average sea ice area increased by 455,000 sq. km in 2012, and increased by another 1,008,000 sq. km in 2013. The global 2013 year-average sea ice area was 104,000 sq. km above the (1979 to 2008) 30-year average. The December 31, 2013 global sea ice area was 1,016,000 sq. km above the 30-year average, which is the highest for that date during the satellite record starting in 1979.

    The Southern 2013 average sea ice area is the highest during the satellite era which began in 1979.
    The southern annual average sea ice area increased by 527,000 sq. km in 2012, and increased by 468,000 sq. km in 2013. The southern 2013 year-average sea ice area was 890,000 sq. km above the (1979 to 2008) 30-year average. The December 31, 2013 southern sea ice area was 1,513,000 sq. km above the 30-year average.

  7. Nice prediction Steve. You should replace the NOAA head.

  8. gofer says:

    WWF just ran a spot on Comedy Central saying “The Polar Bears are disappearing at an alarming rate and at this rate could completely disappear in 50 years.” Of course, if I “adopt” a bear for 8 dollars a month, this could prevent this from happening. How is adopting a bear going to prevent the ice from melting, if it actually were melting? What it does, is pay the half-million or so salary that the WWF head receives. They are nothing but con artists suckering people by emotional appeals. These low-lifes have zero integrity and everything coming out of climate science is a lie unless proven otherwise. They can’t be so stupid as to not know the truth so it’s nothing but blatant lieing. 50 years? That should just about cover all the honchos retirements and demises of the WWF crooks.

  9. Andy DC says:

    They have been reduced to saying “we never used to have weather like this before”, when we have had weather in all its various and destructive forms lots of times before.

  10. nomoregore says:

    Puff Ho has been trying to lock me out of comments. They recognize my name, and hated me the moment they saw it. One of their weenies even tried to get my account shut down… but it didn’t work. They also tried threatening me on my main account. All the mainstream media are hiding the fact that the Antarctic debacle was a Global Warming mission. If any of you are reading an article, be sure to inform the readers with your comment.

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