Global Sea Ice Area Averaging 3,000 Manhattans Above Normal Over The Last 11 Months

Global sea ice area was at a record January high on Jan 1, and has been averaging 3,000 Manhattans above normal over the last 11 months.

ScreenHunter_1899 Jan. 16 19.34

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Global Sea Ice Area Averaging 3,000 Manhattans Above Normal Over The Last 11 Months

  1. NikFromNYC says:

    There is only *one* Manhattan, the CPU of the Human Race, where money and art coexist, dangerously, and competently.

    “To the devil with setting a price on oneself in exchange for which one ceases to be a person and becomes a part of a machine! Are you accomplices in the current folly of the nations – the folly of wanting above all to produce as much as possible and to become rich as possible? What you ought to do, rather, is to hold up to them the counter-reckoning: how great a sum of inner value is thrown away in pursuit of this external goal!” – Frederich Nietzsche (Daybreak, 1881)

    “When for the first time I went unto men, I committed the hermit-folly, the great folly – I stood in the marketplace. And in that I spake to all I spake to none.” – Friedrich Nietzsche (Thus Spake Zarathrusta, 1891)

    “Port Lligat: a life of asceticism, of isolation. It was there that I learned to impoverish myself, to limit and file down my thinking in order that it might become effective as an ax, where blood had the taste of blood and, and honey the taste of honey. A life that was hard, without metaphor or wine, a life with the light of eternity.” – Salvador Dali (The Secret Life of Salvador Dali, 1942)

    “No matter what the creature in whom I have my being does, I and I alone am its master, my kingdom is not of this world, my kingdom is the kingdom of love. Does it exist? I will seek it.” – Vincent van Gogh (letter to Theo van Gogh, 1890)

    “In the heavens shall be seen a running fire with long sparks. They will be propelled in contraptions of flying fire. And they will go to the moon.” – (Nostradamus, 1570)

    “In war, the side which stays behind its fortified lines is always defeated.” – Napoleon Bonaparte

    “Both love and fortune befriend the bold.” – Ovid

    • Hansen says Manhattan has been underwater for six years now.

    • Eric Simpson says:

      “In the heavens shall be seen a running fire with long sparks. They will be propelled in contraptions of flying fire. And they will go to the moon.” – (Nostradamus, 1570)

      Nik, you might want to consider NextBigFuture for its futurist and technical posts. Also, you can tell that the blogger, Brian Wang, does not believe in the warmist bs, but of course there are both warmists and skeptics represented in the disquis comments, and it would be a great place to apply your rhetorical and science skills in comments. So, consider it. Just today Wang has a post titled Al Gore does not think climate change is urgent enough to need any experiments at geoengineering or to build nuclear power:

      An excerpt from the NextBigFuture post:
      Al Gore says climate change could wreck the world by 2100. However, he does not want to use any geoengineering because we can only put pollution from coal, oil, natural gas and industry into the air. We are not allowed to attempt to put anything else that might counter act those effects. The problem is not urgent enough for him to support building nuclear power. He only supported nuclear power when he represented Tennessee or in the VP position.
      It is a big enough problem for him to make movies and books about it, but not a big enough problem for him to want any other solutions than clean tech and solar and wind power. We are safe to wait for those solutions.
      We can spend tens of trillions and decades to build those solutions out. We can only speed up those solutions by giving tens of trillions more to companies that he supports and approves.

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