Global Warming Scamsters Celebrating 40 Years Of Ignoring Actual Science

ScreenHunter_1544 Jan. 11 20.44

Theory of ‘Greenhouse Effect’ Of Sun’s Rays Is Challenged – View Article –

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Global Warming Scamsters Celebrating 40 Years Of Ignoring Actual Science

  1. Rosco says:

    Anthony Watts will tell you that a greenhouse is kept warm by trapping radiation.

    I disagree with him entirely.

  2. Eric Simpson says:

    Al Gore’s Great Deception on CO2
    Since the ipcc’s inception in 1988 they had maintained that there was a demonstrated, proven causal correlation between CO2 & temperature. This served as the very foundation of their theory, and as the centerpiece of their scare-mongering. But then in 1999, looking more closely at the ice core data going back hundreds of thousands of years, a peer-reviewed paper roiled the warmists’ world, showing that there was no evidence that CO2 caused temperature changes, and the only evidence was / is that CO2 follows temperature changes. Temperature rises, then ~ 800 years later CO2 levels rise. Temperatures fall, CO2 falls, in that order.
    But the ipcc fought this 1999 revelation. Tooth and nail. It wasn’t until 2003 that the ipcc finally was forced to concede the point: there is no evidence, of any kind, of a causal correlation between CO2 & temperatures. BUT AL GORE IGNORED THIS in his 2005 movie! Al Gore willfully and knowingly deceived the public in An Inconvenient Truth, please see it for yourself in the video below, and spread the word about this key video that quickly and effectively corrects the false understanding about CO2 that most of the public still has:

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