Heidi Central Starts The Year With Their Usual Fraud Science


In Much of U.S., Extreme Cold is Becoming More Rare | Climate Central

As usual, they started their graph in the 1970’s, which had the coldest winters of the 20th century in the US. Had they started during almost any other decade, they would have seen an increase in very cold weather over time.ScreenHunter_1325 Jan. 07 16.31

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Heidi Central Starts The Year With Their Usual Fraud Science

  1. Billy Liar says:

    Well Heidi likes to obfuscate in front Senate hearings so this is just kids stuff.

  2. Andy DC says:

    You could do the same with 100 degree days or 110 degree days in St. Louis starting in 1930 and it would show a dramatic decrease in hot days. There is more than one way to pick a cherry!

  3. TomC says:

    Anyone willing to bet the next thing on the list of omissions-to-history to occur will be the wiping of the HCN from the internet?

    Someone better save those files because quite soon they will be victims of the modern day book burners

  4. Bob Greene says:

    We are having panic attacks because of this “unprecedented” extreme cold. The Richmond area closed or delayed schools because it was going to be 10F. Schools are delayed because tomorrow is supposed to be 13F. It’s darned cold in the midwest with numerous low temperature records and high snows. This is winter, not really a time to panic.
    Now we are seeing a sure sign of global warming because it isn’t really cold often. These folks really want it both ways. Are they dumb or are we dumb for letting them influence us?

    PS. The older I get the better fewer below 0 C days I like.

  5. WPBHurricane05 says:

    Wait, so global warming is already back to causing hot temperatures? Or am I confusing weather for climate again?

  6. Chewer says:

    And her wacky friends are saying the mass frigid air is due to the rising overheated air in the Arctic pushing the cold air out šŸ˜‰

    • Andy Oz says:

      Sarcasm follows: Hot globally warmed and hidden polar air expands. Pushes cold lazy arctic air away from the pole. Yep. Makes sense. Can I have some grant money now to pay my energy bill?

  7. Eric Simpson says:

    If you want to show the kind of data shenanigans these warmunists are always pulling, just give a link to this post.

  8. Tel says:

    A global shortage of extreme cold, how will humanity survive this?

  9. gator69 says:

    Tried to leave Heidi a note, but does not appear they will be posting it.

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