How Much Data Fudging Does A Poor Climate Scientist Have To Do?

Every year, our diligent friends at GISS cool the past further and warm the present further. But no matter how much cheating they do, they just can’t get up to Hansen’s “zero emissions after the year 2000” scenario C.

ScreenHunter_269 Jan. 23 10.15

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to How Much Data Fudging Does A Poor Climate Scientist Have To Do?

  1. phodges says:

    It’s every month. Every monthly run rewrites everything.

  2. Blade says:

    Bookmark this one for Mosher who says we’re all wrong about this ( and all the adjustments ).

    Let’s demand he explain exactly what the problem is.

  3. Brian H says:

    If Jinan Cao is right, GHGs enable atmospheric cooling by facilitating hi-altitude radiation to space. Hence the diving RSS curve.

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