I Don’t Get No Respect

After years of alarmists saying that I know nothing about climate (Reggie said I was the second stupidest person on the Internet) some climate scientist was accusing me on Twitter yesterday of being Dr. Judith Curry. (I angrily pointed out that I am Toto, not Judy.)

Perhaps they don’t think I’m so dumb after all.

This is a recent picture of me relaxing at home.

ScreenHunter_1971 Jan. 17 21.05

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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23 Responses to I Don’t Get No Respect

  1. Mike Mangan says:


  2. phodges says:

    Would I offend you if I said that was kinda what I pictured??

    Except you would be splayed out in front of a command line only Unix box instead of a TV


  3. crosspatch says:

    You mean … your’re really … JAMES HANSEN?!?!

  4. Stephen Richards says:

    Funny? I nearly cried. The amount of stuff you churn out I rather thought you had the unix machine strapped to you body.

  5. Jerry Gorline says:

    Hmm, donuts and beer. Don’t forget the radium behind your back. Since we’re sharing pix, here’s a recent selfie of me enjoying the outdoors, in Colorado. Seriously, I really enjoy Dr. Curry’s blog too, and WUWT. We’re all in this together, gotta keep ’em honest.

    PS How’s my hell-of-a-winter in the East forecast going? The next couple of weeks will be interesting, Son of Vortex?


  6. Bruce says:

    I see no horns. There should be horns. And a tail with a point on it. You have standards, Steve.

  7. David A says:

    How do we know when Steve is sleeping? When the donut rolls out! Ha, actually he does not sleep as the posts are ever coming, or maybe he types in his sleep, successfully refuting PHD alarmists, one snore at a time.

    • Besides blogging and tweeting- yesterday I did a 15 mile bike ride, played a soccer match at lunch, worked out at the gym, and took the dogs for three short (<2 mile) hikes.

      • Jerry Gorline says:

        So how much can you bench? I was up to four plates (225) until a slight shoulder injury. Hope to be back to at least 185 by April. When it gets warmer I’ll break out my Bianchi 24-speed racer.

  8. margaret berger says:

    Dang, I preferred the mystery and my imagination.

  9. John Silver says:

    Homer is my guru.

  10. Lawrence13 says:

    Steve: will there ever come a day when you reveal yourself?

  11. Bulaman says:

    Coming to the US in August for a meeting and I will acclimitise with friends who live in Windsor . I suspect you live near and if so would like to shake your hand and buy you a beer!

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