January 16-20, 1908 – Melbourne Was Over 40C Every Day

Apparently BOM did not have a shortage of crayons in 1908.

ScreenHunter_1530 Jan. 11 18.16


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to January 16-20, 1908 – Melbourne Was Over 40C Every Day

  1. geran says:

    So, obviously Melbourne is causing all the global warming.

    (Cool it Aussies!)

  2. Andy Oz says:

    Shock news: Australia Conservation Foundation employ Hansie Cronje as their weather statistics adviser.

    “What we are seeing, here and around the world, is weather on steroids
    Imagine a six-sided die. That is Australia’s climate. On any summer’s day, the die is rolled to determine the day’s weather. A one is a cool, beautiful, mid-20s day with gentle breezes, while a six is over 40°C and threatening to start fires across south-east Australia. Climate change messes with the numbers. The longer global warming is allowed to continue, the more we’ll see sixes replace fives, and fives replace fours. It’s not inconceivable that this metaphorical die one day could have two sixes, two fives and four and a three.”

    That is the biggest load of Rubbish you will read. The ACF should have their tax records investigated if this is how they calculate things.

    • Neville says:

      Obviously the ACF are not aware that globally, the average temperature of the planet has DECREASED … and, over the last 17 years (at least). I wonder if perhaps they should inform themselves of the facts, before making fatuous statements about Australia’s highly changeable weather? Nah … not really likely!

  3. Andy Oz says:

    Shock News: More rubbish announcements from the media on today’s “record overnight minimum” temperature in Perth.
    Yet higher overnight minimums have been recorded before in 1933.
    Obviously data records pre WWII are adjusted down, and UHI is ignored.

  4. Dave N says:

    Hopefully they won’t update this before you see it:


    Apparently “Mainly dry” means some raindrops will emanate from the clouds, whereas “partly cloudy” means no raindrops at all.

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