January 1977 Global Cooling Polar Vortex Produced Snow In Miami

ScreenHunter_223 Jan. 21 20.12

Could it snow in Tampa, Florida this weekend? – Capital Weather Gang – The Washington Post

Look familiar? Obama says that the identical pattern is now caused by global warming.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to January 1977 Global Cooling Polar Vortex Produced Snow In Miami

  1. Bob Greene says:

    Just another baseless pronouncement of “unprecedented” climate activity. It’s probably unprecedented because it is the first time the Obama administration needed it. I seem to remember a number of freezes deep in Florida. So, what’s really new about this one?

  2. The polar vortex in stratospheric. We live in the troposphere.

  3. Andy Oz says:

    Time to buy frozen orange juice futures.
    They’re about to go up once the crop gets smashed.

  4. Brian H says:

    It’s the breakdown of a polar vortex which sends cold air south. Not the case, here. Sloppy journalistic terminology.

  5. Cold air always goes south, it happens every year. It’s called a polar high. The vortex sends air to the pole in the stratosphere, the polar high sends it back down in the troposphere. It’s absolutely normal. There is no “breakdown” of any polar vortex.

  6. Andy DC says:

    Golly gee! We have had coldwaves before. Even before global warming Who would have ever guessed?

  7. D. Self says:

    One of my daughter’s high school friends tweeted, “Cold outbreaks are actually caused by Global Warming, do the research yourself”. This person’s retardation is exactly what the State Run Media is counting on.

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