January 1st Global Sea Ice Area Was The Highest Ever Measured During The Month Of January

January 1st global sea ice area was 17,932,000 km², which is the highest ever recorded during the month of January.


Climate experts say that unprecedented Mann-made global warming is causing record ice, record cold, record snow, record low tornadoes and hurricanes, and record numbers of global warmists stuck in the  ice.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to January 1st Global Sea Ice Area Was The Highest Ever Measured During The Month Of January

  1. johnpd says:

    Sometimes, you just have to laugh.

  2. David says:

    Its only because its really hot and Greenland and Antarctica are melting making the oceans less saline. This allows the water to freeze at higher temperatures or some such BS I just pulled from my arse.

  3. Andy Oz says:

    I have given up trying to work out the oxymoron ” Warmist logic”. My best guess is that you need to have smoked an ounce of Colorado green and dropped a tab of acid.

    Perhaps Chris Turkey (aka the Penguin) would rather sail on Lake Michigan to try and prove the unprovable CAGW. He could wax lyrical about polar vortexes disrupting jet streams and then he could reprise his Antarctic boondoggle and get stuck in the lake ice again, proving warming causes ice.

  4. gator69 says:

    That heat just keeps diving.

  5. gator69 says:

    “Scientists at the British Antarctic Survey say that the melting of the Pine Island Glacier ice shelf in Antarctica has suddenly slowed right down in the last few years, confirming earlier research which suggested that the shelf’s melt does not result from human-driven global warming.

    The Pine Island Glacier in West Antarctica and its associated sea ice shelf is closely watched: this is because unlike most of the sea ice around the austral continent, its melt rate has seemed to be accelerating quickly since scientists first began seriously studying it in the 1990s.”


    And the band played on…

  6. rah says:

    “The Pine Island Glacier in West Antarctica and its associated sea ice shelf is closely watched: this is because unlike most of the sea ice around the austral continent, its melt rate has seemed to be accelerating quickly since scientists first began seriously studying it in the 1990s.”
    “its melt rate has seemed to be accelerating quickly since scientists first began seriously studying it in the 1990s.”

    Now there’s a Climate science statement of measurement for you.

  7. Bob Knows says:

    Most ever? Apparently they didn’t measure during the last major ice age. It can begin now. Not to worry.

  8. Andy Oz says:

    Leader of the French Polar Institute sledges the English climate activist.
    “A number of people, including the director of the French Polar Institute Yves Frenot have criticised the AAE saying it was a ‘‘pseudo-scientific expedition’’ that had drained resources from the region and seen countries cancel scientific programs.”


    In my view, “prof Turney” should have his Aussie visa cancelled and returned by boat to England, for recklessly risking the lives of hundreds of people.

    • Andy Oz says:

      Even better:
      “Yves Frenot, director of the French Polar Institute said the rescue saga had forced French scientists to scrap a two-week oceanographic campaign using the Astrolabe. “But we are relatively lucky. The Chinese have had to cancel their entire scientific programme, and my counterpart in Australia is spitting tacks with anger, because their entire summer has been wiped out,” he said.”

      Turney has made enemies in three countries scientific programs. ROFL.

  9. Well here in Oz the explanation for the lack of GW evidence is that post 2008, the biggest single area of job growth has been in climate change & GW. I wish someone would fund me to work out the correlation between spouting un-evidenced GW/climate claims and job growth. One equation might go something like this BS = $s !

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