Longest Heatwave In History Was 90 Years Ago. Worst Heatwave Was 100 Years Ago

Marble Bar heatwave, 1923-24

The world record for the longest sequence of days above 100°Fahrenheit (or 37.8° on the Celsius scale) is held by Marble Bar in the inland Pilbara district of Western Australia. The temperature, measured under standard exposure conditions, reached or exceeded the century mark every day from 31 October 1923 to 7 April 1924, a total of 160 days.

ScreenHunter_1868 Jan. 16 04.58

BOM – Australian Climate Extremes

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Longest Heatwave In History Was 90 Years Ago. Worst Heatwave Was 100 Years Ago

  1. henrythethird says:

    In order for a Northern Hemisphere city to match that, we’d need to see 100 degree highs each day starting on the 1st of May (31 days prior to summer), and go till the 8th of Oct (38 days after start of fall).

    Not even Death Valley has matched that (the greatest number of consecutive days with a maximum temperature of 100° F or above was 154 days in the summer of 2001).

  2. Andy DC says:

    Running the climate models backwards, that kind of heat was impossible. Thus all those records have to be thrown out. (sarc)

  3. Climatism says:

    Noticed that the BoM have taken down their “Australian Climate Extremes” history page…

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