Missing Arctic Ice located In The Great Lakes

Great Lakes ice coverage is second highest on record for the date. Lake Erie is frozen solid. Leading experts say the Arctic is melting, because the polar vortex is too cold.

ScreenHunter_231 Jan. 21 23.33 20140120180000_CVCHDCTGL_0007477171


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About Tony Heller

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20 Responses to Missing Arctic Ice located In The Great Lakes

  1. miked1947 says:

    They will send some ice breakers in there, just like they do to control the ice in the Arctic and around Antarctica.

  2. NotSure says:


    I don’t know how to contact you, I don’t see an email or contact link on the site. I may have found another GISS “adjustment” though. I stumbled upon this and it instantly stood out as “uhm, something isnt right here!” for obvious reasons if you click the new GISS link. This data is for Amundsen-Scot (90.0 S,0.0 E) which is Antarctica.

    The original data was provided in this August 2013 post at Not A Lot Of People Know That
    and specifically looks like this (notice the 1979 data is missing)
    …but if you go to the actual linked NASA page, you find
    …Apparently they are still in the process of perfecting their “adjustment” to this data set, as that now included 1979 spike off the charts is obviously either a sign of the Apocalypse none of us remember, or there is a kink in their system.

    When laying the two over eachother this is what I come up with (which is not easy since that spike causes some scaling problems. I believe I got it perfect, as you can see from the temp tabs to the side.)
    (note, I gave the newer data a slight click towards the right so both lines were easily viable. And, of course, I colorized the new data to red so the two are distinguishable)

    Clearly there is an “adjustment” at play – pre 1979 spike we can see each Blue (old) dot rises above the field, post 1979 spike each Red (new) dot pokes its head up high. 2010-today seems pretty correct though (and I used the side Temp tabs to line things up, only seeing that surprising match when I was done.)

    It looks like the “adjustment” works out to be roughly a 0.2 – 0.3 degree change between 1957 & 1998. Not surprisingly that change to the trend is upward, geared toward the “Global Warming” argument

    Number data for the location is linked to on that NALOPKT page, if you want it as well

    Hope it helps!

  3. Andy Oz says:

    Turney is on his way with some tourists to convince everyone it’s really warm in Chicago. I’m still struggling to work out why the climate world started in 1980.
    Good news is I’m only 34 in climate years!!!!!

  4. The season is young. Those lakes will all be frozen by late February, except the southern part of Lake Michigan, and Lake Ontario, which never freeze. You might have a hole in central Lake Huron as well. Lake Superior is a goner, and Lake Erie always freezes even in a warm year.

    • TomC says:

      The lakes are going to be just about as such by the end of this weekend. That map is already two days old and a snapshot of how things stood right before this latest cold snap.
      Crazy thing is even colder weather is expected to open next week. Monday/Tuesday night have VERY cold temperatures (and should one of the models w/ a stronger Sunday/Monday clipper verify, temperatures may challenge all-time records.

  5. TheJollyGreenMan says:

    Having French titles and sub titles makes the data more trustworthy. You can’t always trust those Angleses!

  6. Back in early 1970 I saw the Niagara Falls frozen solid (somewhere I have a picture) and the St Lawrence River and Lake Ontario were not navigable.

  7. St Lawrence River always freezes but icebreakers keep the shipping open.

    Lake Ontario has never frozen completely in recorded history. It is 900 feet deep, the bottom is 650 feet below sea level. This is why Syracuse gets more lake effect snow that Buffalo. It’s a snow machine. Lake Erie is about 35 feet deep in most places, western Lake Erie is 10 feet deep. It always freezes by this time of year, and the snow stops.

  8. mkelly says:


    Check out the link. Talk about your snow and a bad storm.

  9. geran says:

    “Leading experts say the Arctic is melting, because the polar vortex is too cold.” —Hilarious

    (Also, thanks for the freeze info about the Great Lakes, Morgan.)

  10. Vince says:

    “Lake Erie is frozen solid.”

    That will be good news for Buffalo, since a completely frozen Lake Erie means pretty much no lake-effect snow.

  11. Andy DC says:

    After 10 more days of extreme cold, it will be interesting to see what, if anything is left unfrozen.

  12. Psalmon says:

    All the Lakes show well below average surface temps, good data here:

    Superior will certainly freeze over this season. Huron likely at this point after two more weeks of this pattern. Michigan will need the cold in place thru February.

    People should also realize that at these temps, the Great Lakes are dimictic, meaning they “turn over” when dense 4 deg C surface water sinks and new surface water cools/freezes (process repeats as the surface warms in the spring – hence di). So there’s no “missing, hiding, atom bomb heat” at this point. Good discussion of it for Lake Superior here: http://www.seagrant.umn.edu/superior/processes

    All important, because for years the AGW crowd have been trying to make the case that climate change have the Great Lakes in some kind of warming-water level death spiral trend.

  13. Bill says:

    I think they can find some in the Arctic too, Steve.

    Maybe “Missing” is more appropriate?

  14. Shazaam says:

    Well, the Lake Erie snow machine is just about pinched-off.


    And, it’s fascinating that the news article also mentions 1979 was the peak year for Great Lakes ice too!!

    Remember all the 1970’s hysteria about global cooling?? The “save the planet” crowd definitely was taking notes about how to slant the story and generate hysteria.

  15. http://www.glerl.noaa.gov/res/glcfs/glcfs.php?hr=00&ext=ice&type=N&lake=l

    This is weird. Usually Lake Superior freezes on the east side first as pack ice is blown to the east side of the lake by the westerlies. Not seen this before. Must be those polar easterlies

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